Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

President Biden's decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race has cast a shadow over the remaining six months of his presidency, with political insiders from both sides of the aisle predicting a period of "lame-duck" inactivity marked by little meaningful change.

President Biden's announcement that he will not seek re-election in 2024 has sparked widespread speculation about the nature and impact of his remaining months in office. Political insiders from both the Democratic and Republican parties anticipate a period of relative stagnation, with minimal progress on significant policies or changes.

Former Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard believes that Biden has not been the primary decision-maker on key issues during his presidency and that this trend will continue. She contends that "unelected people running the country with Biden as their figurehead" will continue to hold sway for the foreseeable future.

Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

Julian Epstein, an attorney and former chief counsel to Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, shares a pessimistic view, predicting that Biden will accomplish "almost nothing" in the coming months. He suggests that the White House should focus on strengthening support for Israel to demonstrate its commitment to fighting extremism.

Ned Ryun, CEO and founder of American Majority, echoes Epstein's assessment, arguing that Biden's political power has dwindled to the point where he can only achieve anything through executive orders. He doubts that any significant legislation will be passed with the specter of the 2024 presidential campaign looming.

Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

Biden's decision to drop out of the race came amid increasing calls from within the Democratic party for him to step aside due to age and perceived political weakness. Party leadership is said to have played a role in convincing Biden that he could not defeat former President Donald Trump in the November general election.

Despite the predictions of low productivity, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insists that Biden will "run through the finish line" and remain fully engaged in his duties. She highlights his accomplishments, such as signing 140 executive orders, 196 presidential memoranda, 634 proclamations, and 133 notices during his tenure.

Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

However, Biden's schedule has been largely cleared of campaign events and speeches since his announcement, indicating a shift in focus towards fulfilling his existing responsibilities.

The lack of momentum in Biden's lame-duck presidency is seen as a reflection of the unique challenges he faces. The prospect of a Trump comeback in 2024, coupled with his advanced age and potential health concerns, has cast a pall over his remaining time in office.

Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

Biden's Lame-Duck Presidency: Insiders Predict 'Absolutely Nothing'

Some analysts suggest that Biden could use his remaining time to focus on smaller-scale initiatives and legacy-building projects, but it remains uncertain whether he will have the political capital to achieve even those objectives.

As the clock ticks down on Biden's presidency, it seems increasingly likely that his remaining months will be a period of limited accomplishments and diminished influence. The focus will shift to the 2024 campaign, with Vice President Kamala Harris emerging as the presumptive Democratic nominee.