Biden's 'Love' Affair: Democrats and Media Express Affection Amidst Calls for Departure

Despite public declarations of affection, prominent Democrats and liberal media figures are amplifying concerns about President Biden's age and cognitive abilities, prompting calls for him to step aside in 2024.

While President Joe Biden enjoys the professed love of many Democrats and media personalities, a chorus of voices within the party is calling for him to exit the 2024 presidential race. These concerns stem from fears that his age and perceived cognitive decline may jeopardize his chances of defeating former President Donald Trump.

One of the most vocal opponents of Biden's candidacy is actor George Clooney, who penned an essay in The New York Times expressing his admiration for the president while simultaneously arguing that he cannot overcome the physical and mental challenges of a presidential campaign. "He’s won many of the battles he’s faced," Clooney wrote. "But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can."

Biden's 'Love' Affair: Democrats and Media Express Affection Amidst Calls for Departure

Biden's 'Love' Affair: Democrats and Media Express Affection Amidst Calls for Departure

Clooney's sentiments have been echoed by a growing number of prominent Democrats. Former Ohio Representative Tim Ryan has urged Biden to leave the race, stating, "We love Joe Biden. I love Joe Biden." Senator Peter Welch of Vermont and Representative Jim Himes of Connecticut have also expressed their affection for Biden while calling for him to step aside.

The media has played a significant role in amplifying these concerns. CNN's Van Jones, who worked for Biden in the past, expressed his distress after a perceived subpar debate performance. "That was painful. I love Joe Biden," Jones said. "He didn't do well at all."

Biden's 'Love' Affair: Democrats and Media Express Affection Amidst Calls for Departure

Biden's 'Love' Affair: Democrats and Media Express Affection Amidst Calls for Departure

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, who initially expressed reluctance to call for Biden's departure, has since suggested that Democrats should consider replacing him. Similarly, MSNBC's Tim Miller stated, "I love Joe Biden, I think he's been a good president," before proposing that he should be replaced if he cannot effectively convey the threat posed by Trump.

The sentiment extends to the halls of Congress, with Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland acknowledging "concerns" within the party about Biden's viability, despite professing his love for the president.

Biden's 'Love' Affair: Democrats and Media Express Affection Amidst Calls for Departure

Biden's 'Love' Affair: Democrats and Media Express Affection Amidst Calls for Departure

Despite these mounting calls, Biden has remained defiant, insisting that he will not withdraw from the race. In a recent interview on "Morning Joe," he declared, "The bottom line here is that we’re not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere."

It remains to be seen whether Biden's supporters will be able to push past concerns about his age and perceived cognitive decline to secure the Democratic nomination in 2024. The president's campaign has declined to comment on the matter.