Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'

President Biden's executive order to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation has drawn fierce criticism from Republicans, who accuse him of exceeding his authority and encouraging illegal border crossings.

President Biden's latest executive order regarding undocumented immigration has ignited a firestorm of controversy, with Republicans denouncing it as "mass amnesty" and a violation of the law. The order, announced on Tuesday, is expected to shield up to 500,000 illegal immigrants from deportation, including undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens and certain noncitizens under the age of 21.

Leading the charge against the president's plan is Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, who has accused Biden of "complete lawlessness." Hawley argues that the president does not have the authority to grant such sweeping protections and that doing so undermines the integrity of the immigration system.

Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'

Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'

"This is an outrageous abuse of power by the president," Hawley said. "He is unilaterally changing the law and creating a dangerous precedent that will encourage even more illegal immigration."

House Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green, R-Tenn., echoed Hawley's concerns, calling the order a "cynical bid" to win over Hispanic and Latino voters ahead of the November election.

Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'

Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'

"President Biden's election-year, 11th-hour ploy for mass amnesty is not surprising, but it is an important reminder for anyone who doubted: This administration was never serious about securing the border," Green said.

Other Republican lawmakers have joined the chorus of criticism, including Representatives Richard Hudson, R-N.C., August Pfluger, R-Texas, and Mike Johnson, R-La. Hudson accused Biden of "kowtowing to the same left-wing radicals who pushed him to throw open the border in the first place," while Pfluger called the order "political pandering at its finest."

Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'

Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'

Johnson, meanwhile, accused the president of playing "both sides" on immigration and said his amnesty plan would "only incentivize more illegal immigration and endanger Americans."

The Republican backlash against Biden's executive order has drawn praise from some conservatives, who have long argued that the president has overstepped his authority in immigration matters. However, Democrats have defended the order, arguing that it will keep families together and provide a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants who have deep ties to the United States.

Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'

Biden's 'Mass Amnesty' Plan Sparks Republican Outcry: 'Completely Lawless'