Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

A series of viral videos showing President Joe Biden seemingly confused and disoriented have sparked concerns about his mental acuity, with the White House dismissing them as "cheap fakes." However, a conservative tech expert argues that the videos are genuine and that the Biden administration's response is an attempt to silence critical voices on social media.

As the general election season approaches, the mental acuity of President Joe Biden has become a hot topic of political discourse. A series of viral videos circulating on social media purportedly show Biden in a "perpetual state of confusion," raising concerns among some observers about his ability to lead the free world.

Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

The White House has vehemently denied the authenticity of these videos, labeling them as "cheap fakes." White House spokesperson Andrew Bates dismissed the videos as part of a campaign by "discredited right-wing critics" who are threatened by Biden's political agenda.

However, a conservative tech expert, Jake Denton of the Heritage Foundation, counters that the videos are genuinely troubling and that the Biden shop's pushback is an attempt to suppress criticism on social media.

Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

"They're trying to push a new term underneath the school of misinformation to try and pressure social media companies to take action on videos of this nature," Denton told Fox News Digital. "This kind of requires a ramp-up stage where you allege that something is a 'cheap fake,' or that it's malicious in some way related to misinformation, and then you have essentially the evidence, the fact pattern, whatever, to go and push the social media companies with takedown requests, because it's misinformation regarding an election."

Denton further criticized the Biden administration for using terms like "misinformation experts" and "fact-checkers" to shut down political discourse. He argued that these individuals often lack scientific expertise and are motivated by political biases.

Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

"At the end of the day, there's really not a lot of science to it," Denton said. "They're experts, but what are they really analyzing? There is truth that there's a need for expertise in deepfake production, but when it comes to something like a cheap fake or just the broader term of misinformation, you're largely just sifting through junk on social media and saying what's real and what isn't; it's not really a very scientific or professional exercise."

Denton urged people to reject the "buzzwords" used by the Biden administration and to evaluate the videos of Biden's mental lapses objectively.

Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

Biden's Mental Acuity: White House Denies Videos, Expert Raises Concerns

"It looks horrible because it is," he said.

The president's mental acuity has been a subject of concern since before he took office. A 2020 report by the Washington Journal revealed that many lawmakers on Capitol Hill had questions about Biden's mental fitness, citing his apparent aging and cognitive decline in private meetings.

The issue has become more pronounced in recent months, with Biden appearing confused and disoriented in public on several occasions. In one video, he was seen turning away from a group of world leaders at a D-Day anniversary event in France to speak to a parachuter. In another video, he stood in front of a podium for several seconds, seemingly uncertain of when to sit down.

The White House has defended Biden's mental health, citing his regular physical and cognitive exams. However, the viral videos continue to raise questions about the president's ability to effectively lead the country.