Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

A New York Magazine article has sparked controversy by exposing the extent of President Biden's mental decline, as witnessed by close associates, raising questions about his ability to serve.

In the wake of President Biden's widely criticized performance in last week's debate, the dam has burst open, with commentators questioning his cognitive fitness to lead the nation. A bombshell New York Magazine article by Olivia Nuzzi, based on extensive interviews, has added fuel to the fire.

Nuzzi's piece, headlined "The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden," delves into numerous instances of Biden's decline, characterizing it as a "dark family secret" among his elite supporters. She recounts how longtime friends of the Biden family were shocked to find that the president could not remember their names.

Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

One attendee at a White House event last year reportedly doubted Biden's ability to complete the reception, leading them to entertain the previously dismissed idea that the president may not be in full control of his faculties.

Nuzzi's personal account of meeting Biden in person paints a disturbing picture, likening him to an "uncanny" being that is "not of this earth." She describes his altered appearance, including "low trust" facial proportions, unnatural gleaming skin, and dilated pupils.

Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

Ironically, Nuzzi notes that similar questions about Biden's cognitive health are being raised not only in coastal liberal circles but also among ardent supporters of former President Trump. Both groups speculate that a secret cabal controls Biden's administration.

This "grand theory of America in 2024" shared by elite liberals and QAnon followers suggests that a plan is in motion to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee.

Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

Despite the mounting concerns, the White House has repeatedly defended Biden's mental fitness, denying any discussion of his resignation or campaign withdrawal. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has categorically dismissed suggestions of dementia, Alzheimer's, or other degenerative illnesses.

Nuzzi's article has underscored the extent to which Biden's decline has troubled even his most loyal supporters. She cites an "overlap between the beliefs of the nation's most elite liberal Biden supporters and the beliefs of the most rabid and conspiratorial supporters of former President Trump."

Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

Biden's Mental Decline: New Revelations Raise Concerns Among Elite Supporters

The article has sparked a national conversation about the president's mental health and the potential consequences for the nation if he were to remain in office with diminished cognitive abilities.