Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

The Biden administration's mandate requiring military members to be vaccinated against COVID-19 has resulted in the discharge of over 75,000 troops, weakening America's force posture and treating service members with unjustified severity.

The U.S. military is currently facing a historic recruiting crisis amidst escalating global tensions, making it imperative to retain as many troops as possible. However, the Biden administration's reckless implementation of a military vaccine mandate has led to the discharge of over 75,000 service members, significantly weakening America's force posture.

This mass purge of objectors has been carried out with undue severity, disregarding both the uncertainties surrounding the vaccine mandates and the need to reasonably accommodate religious objections. Service members who refused to be vaccinated, whether due to health concerns or religious beliefs, were subjected to harsh punishments, including discharge, denial of pay, and forced retirement.

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

The federal government's mandate for COVID-19 vaccines for federal employees led to legal challenges, with federal courts striking down most mandates. However, those affecting U.S. service members were initially allowed to stand due to the traditional deference accorded to executive decisions concerning military affairs.

Despite concerns over vaccine safety and religious objections, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin denied over 95% of the 45,000 requests for religious accommodation. This hardline stance suggests that the administration's mandate policies and expulsion of religious objectors were part of a broader agenda to remake the military into a more culturally progressive institution.

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

The Pentagon's vaccination mandate and left-wing ideological campaign have exacerbated a service-wide recruiting emergency, leaving the military ill-equipped to address increasing global threats. Thankfully, federal courts intervened to uphold a religious exemption to vaccination, issuing nationwide injunctions against the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps for systematic religious discrimination.

Courts were poised to take similar actions against the Army and Coast Guard when Congress intervened to terminate the mandates. However, the damage had already been done, with approximately 75,000 troops being discharged or forced into inactive status. Thousands more have been deprived of years of pay, promotions, benefits, and educational opportunities.

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

Many of those expelled from the military were highly decorated veterans with multiple combat tours and deployments, as well as midlevel officers and senior noncommissioned officers who are essential to the military's effectiveness. Approximately 1,000-1,500 pilots and other key specialists were also affected.

Redress for wrongly expelled or denied troops lies primarily with class action lawsuits currently winding their way through the Court of Federal Claims. However, Americans should not rely solely on legal proceedings to rectify the situation.

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

Congress must enact legislation enabling fast-track re-enlistment for warriors discharged under the mandate and establish mechanisms for financial compensation. Additionally, the next administration should prioritize supporting such legislation or creating avenues within the Department of Defense to achieve these ends.

It is imperative to restore order within the military, enhance enlistments, and demonstrate fairness to all service members who have been unjustly treated due to the Biden administration's reckless vaccine mandates.

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops

Biden's Military Vaccine Mandate: A Reckless Discharge of Troops