Biden's Out-of-Touch Treasury Secretary Insists Inflation Is Not a Problem

Janet Yellen's dismissive attitude towards inflation contradicts the experiences of millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet. Families are cutting back on purchases, changing shopping habits, and even skipping meals to cope with soaring food prices.

In a recent interview, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen downplayed concerns about inflation, claiming she had not experienced "sticker shock" during her weekly grocery trips. This assertion is astonishingly out of touch with the financial struggles faced by countless American families.

Biden's Out-of-Touch Treasury Secretary Insists Inflation Is Not a Problem

Biden's Out-of-Touch Treasury Secretary Insists Inflation Is Not a Problem

The American Farm Bureau's annual 4th of July market-basket survey reveals a staggering 30% increase in the cost of cookout staples since 2019. The Food Industry Association reports that 70% of shoppers are concerned with rising prices, with 39% expressing extreme concern.

Over half of shoppers have reduced their purchases, and a third have changed their grocery habits to save money. Most alarmingly, 20% of shoppers admit to skipping meals to cope with financial hardship.

Biden's Out-of-Touch Treasury Secretary Insists Inflation Is Not a Problem

Biden's Out-of-Touch Treasury Secretary Insists Inflation Is Not a Problem

Yellen's denial of reality is either a sign of willful ignorance or a deliberate attempt to mislead the public. The Biden administration's unprecedented spending has fueled inflation to levels unseen in decades.

Despite inflationary pressures, the Biden administration continues to spend profligately, adding to the already staggering national debt of $35 trillion. Our interest obligations are rapidly approaching the level of our national defense spending.

Biden's Out-of-Touch Treasury Secretary Insists Inflation Is Not a Problem

Biden's Out-of-Touch Treasury Secretary Insists Inflation Is Not a Problem

The Bidenomics spending spree is driving inflation, the economy, and the prosperity of American families over a financial cliff. It is time for Americans to demand accountability and reject this insanity.

The disconnect between Yellen's rosy assessments and the lived experiences of millions of Americans is a dangerous symptom of the administration's detachment from reality. Bidenomics is a failed experiment that is hurting American families and undermining our economic security.

Yellen's lack of empathy and her refusal to acknowledge the pain caused by inflation demonstrate her unfitness for office. The American people deserve a Treasury Secretary who understands the challenges they face and who is willing to take action to address them.

Until the Biden administration changes course and adopts responsible fiscal policies, inflation will continue to erode the purchasing power of American families and threaten our economic well-being.