Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Former White House physician Ronny Jackson has slammed Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre for her evasive responses regarding visits by a Parkinson's specialist to the White House. Jackson demands full disclosure, citing concerns about Biden's mental acuity.

A former White House physician has erupted in criticism of President Biden's press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, for refusing to provide more information about repeated visits to the White House by a Parkinson's specialist. This revelation has heightened concerns about Biden's mental fitness.

Dr. Kevin Cannard, a leading neurologist at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, met with Biden's physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, at the White House earlier this year. This disclosure has ignited a firestorm of speculation about Biden's health.

Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Jean-Pierre has faced numerous inquiries but has repeatedly deflected questions, citing "security reasons" and "patient privacy." Former White House physician Ronny Jackson, who served under both Presidents Obama and Trump, vehemently opposes these claims.

"Absolutely not, Kayleigh," Jackson stated, referring to "security reasons" as a "ridiculous excuse."

Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Jackson emphasizes that Dr. Cannard specifically visited the residence medical clinic, which is located below the president's bedroom and reserved for the first family. This raises the question of whether Cannard saw Biden.

"If you saw someone besides the president, just tell us that, OK?" Jackson urged.

Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Jackson dismisses Jean-Pierre's privacy concerns, arguing that the White House can easily provide more transparency without compromising patient confidentiality.

"The sad truth is, the whole world knows that there's something wrong with this president," Jackson asserts. "He's broken, right? And maybe it's not Parkinson's. He said it's not Parkinson's, but it's very Parkinson's-like, it's some other type of movement disorder and some other serious cognitive issue."

Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Biden's Parkinson's Visits Raise Concerns: Former WH Physician Demands Transparency

Jackson insists that the public deserves to know what's happening.

"We need to know what's going on. We need to know what he's being treated for," Jackson demands. "This is not a privacy issue anymore. This is our commander in chief. This is a national security issue."

In a letter released Monday night, O'Connor stated that Cannard was selected for Biden's annual physicals due to his broad expertise, not his specialization in movement disorders. The letter also claims that Biden did not see a neurologist outside of his annual exams.

However, Jackson remains unconvinced. He demands that Dr. O'Connor publicly address these concerns and provide a full account of Cannard's visits.

"Did he or did he not see the president?" Jackson asks. "Because he is a neurologist who specializes in Parkinson's disease and movement disorders."

Jackson's concerns about Biden's health are echoed by many, including some within the White House. The president's repeated gaffes, stumbling, and difficulty walking have raised questions about his ability to lead.

The White House has dismissed these concerns as age-related issues, but the secrecy surrounding Cannard's visits has fueled speculation. Jackson and other critics demand full transparency to ensure the public is informed about the true state of the president's health.