Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

A recent survey reveals that most Americans oppose President Biden's proposal to alter the Supreme Court's structure, including Democrats who value an independent judiciary.

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) has voiced concerns over the potential targeting and expansion of the Supreme Court by Democrats. A nationwide survey highlighted in a Wall Street Journal opinion editorial indicates that most Americans do not support sweeping changes to the Supreme Court, despite President Biden's recent push for such measures.

The Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy survey found that 52% of likely voters oppose amending the Constitution to alter the Supreme Court's structure, while only 41% support such a move. The poll also revealed that only 34% of likely voters support a plan to increase the number of Supreme Court justices, known as court-packing, while 59% oppose it.

Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

The survey further underlined the importance of an independent judiciary, with 87% of likely voters, including 84% of Democrats, agreeing that it is a crucial safeguard for civil liberties.

Despite these findings, Democrats in Congress and the White House have pushed for significant changes to the high court. Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow's false claim that the Supreme Court granted former President Trump immunity from prosecution highlights the deeply partisan nature of the current debate.

Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

The Wall Street Journal editorial expressed concern over the potential attacks on the Supreme Court during this week's Democratic National Convention. However, the Mason-Dixon poll suggests that most Americans do not endorse such attacks and value the independence of the judiciary.

In addition to imposing term limits for justices, President Biden's plan also calls for establishing a commission to study potential reforms to the Supreme Court's structure and jurisdiction. Legal experts have questioned the constitutionality of such measures.

Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

The survey highlights the divide between the opinions of Democrat leaders and the American public. Despite the push for radical changes to the Supreme Court, it appears that most Americans prioritize the preservation of an independent and impartial judiciary.

The Mason-Dixon poll also examined the public's perception of the court-packing proposal. When asked if they agreed that "plans to expand the membership of the U.S. Supreme Court are primarily motivated by political objectives," 87% of likely voters, including 84% of Democrats, agreed.

Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

Biden's Plan for Supreme Court Overhaul Faces Public Resistance

This finding suggests that the American public believes that the motivation behind the court-packing proposal is political rather than aimed at improving the court's function or fairness.