Biden's Policies on Trial: Laura Ingraham Calls for Reckoning

Fox News host Laura Ingraham lambasted President Biden's policies, arguing that they have wreaked havoc on American households, cities, and the nation's standing in the world. Ingraham called for the administration to be "put on trial" for its disastrous actions.

Biden's Policies on Trial: Laura Ingraham Calls for Reckoning

In a scathing monologue on "The Ingraham Angle," Fox News host Laura Ingraham unleashed a torrent of criticism against President Joe Biden's policies. Ingraham painted a bleak picture of America under Biden's presidency, highlighting the economic damage, border crisis, and erosion of international standing.

"This is a nightmare scenario for Democrats," Ingraham exclaimed. "Union workers, their supposed base, are cheering for Trump. They see what Biden has done to our country."

Ingraham condemned Biden's immigration policies, accusing the administration of "defrauding" the country. "The border is in crisis, and Biden and his party are responsible," she charged.

The host also took aim at the Biden administration's handling of inflation. "They initially dismissed it, then tried to spin it," Ingraham said. "But the voters see the reality, and they know Biden isn't protecting the working class."

Ingraham turned her ire to the administration's stance on transgender issues, particularly its changes to Title IX. "Girls' sports will never be the same again," she warned. "Biden is protecting his far-left base, not the women and girls he swore to represent."

Ingraham lamented the erosion of America's international standing under Biden. "Our country's reputation is in the toilet," she said. "Biden and his policies have destroyed our standing in the world."

Ingraham concluded her monologue by calling for accountability. "Biden and his policies are what's on trial here," she asserted. "Every household, every city, every town, and our country's standing in the world have been assaulted by this administration. They must be held responsible for their reckless and destructive actions."

Ingraham's comments reflect growing dissatisfaction with the Biden administration's performance. Her criticism aligns with the sentiments of many Americans who believe the country is heading in the wrong direction.