Biden's Presidential Performance Leaves Democrats in Disarray

Fox News host Laura Ingraham discusses the growing calls for President Biden to drop out of the 2024 race, as Democrats acknowledge the impact of his performance at the CNN Presidential Debate.

In her opening monologue on "The Ingraham Angle," Fox News host Laura Ingraham delved into the internal turmoil within the Democratic Party following President Biden's performance at the CNN Presidential Debate. Ingraham pointed out the stark contrast between the Democrats' usual loquaciousness and their somber demeanor after a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss Biden's presidency.

NBC's Jake Sherman reported that the meeting atmosphere was akin to a funeral, with no consensus reached on Biden's future. House Democrat Mark Takano expressed concern about Biden's waning support in his district, a district Biden won with only 62% of the vote in 2020.

Biden's Presidential Performance Leaves Democrats in Disarray

Biden's Presidential Performance Leaves Democrats in Disarray

Ingraham emphasized the growing awareness among Democrats that Biden's continued presence as their nominee could jeopardize their hopes of retaking the House majority and building on their Senate majority. However, Ingraham noted the protective stance of the leftist "Squad" members, which has shielded Biden from further criticism.

Senator Mark Warner's attempt to lead a group of moderate Democrats in urging Biden to reconsider his candidacy was quickly dismissed, demonstrating the dwindling influence of centrist voices within the party. Ingraham suggested that the real powerbrokers in the Democratic Party are Jill Biden, Hunter Biden, and the far-left.

Biden's Presidential Performance Leaves Democrats in Disarray

Biden's Presidential Performance Leaves Democrats in Disarray

Ingraham also highlighted the implications of Biden's absence from the 2024 race. She speculated that Vice President Kamala Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, or Stacey Abrams could emerge as potential candidates to lead the Democratic ticket.

As calls for Biden to drop out intensify, the Democratic Party finds itself at a crossroads. Ingraham predicted that the party faces a difficult decision between maintaining a sense of unity by sticking with Biden or embracing a change in leadership in the hopes of salvaging their electoral prospects in 2024.

In conclusion, Laura Ingraham's analysis provided a comprehensive overview of the internal struggles within the Democratic Party as they grapple with the impact of President Biden's performance and the growing sentiment that it may be time for a change in leadership.