Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

Despite President Biden's efforts to improve his public image after a widely criticized debate performance, one political columnist and analyst contends that his appearances have only served to confirm concerns raised during the debate.

President Biden's recent public appearances have been met with mixed reactions, leading to questions about his ability to win re-election in 2024. While some appearances have been deemed relatively strong, others have highlighted concerns about his age and vigor.

One analyst, Nia-Malika Henderson of Bloomberg Opinion, argues that Biden's efforts to turn the narrative around have fallen short. She maintains that his gaffes and apparent physical limitations have continued to be a liability in the public eye.

Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

Henderson points to Biden's recent greeting of voters in Las Vegas, where she observed him speaking in a low voice and appearing somewhat infirm. She contends that such behaviors reinforce the concerns raised during the presidential debate.

"So it's not going away because a lot of what we see of Biden still just affirms what folks saw in that debate," Henderson said.

Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

This assessment is a notable shift for Henderson, who has previously written in support of Biden. In a recent piece, she praised Biden for his response to his son Hunter's conviction, highlighting his "deep humanity" and "determination to stay focused on the problems of average Americans."

Henderson's observation is supported by a report from CNN's Dana Bash, who claims that Biden lashed out at fellow Democrats on a conference call Saturday. The president reportedly insisted that questions about his viability for a second term were "crap" and exploded on Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., after the congressman expressed concerns about the potential for electoral defeat.

Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

Henderson emphasizes that Biden's reported exchange with fellow Democrats underscores the personal nature of the criticism he is facing. She also highlights the potential impact on his campaign overall, as Democratic lawmakers voice their concerns.

"The problem that Biden has is that he has gone out for the last three weeks to try to turn the narrative around, to say that the debate was just a one-off, that he is in fact strong and vigorous and was just having a bad night, he just had a cold, he was tired," Henderson said. "The problem is, his appearances so far since then have been hit or miss."

Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

Biden's Public Appearances Fail to Redeem Image, Analyst Asserts

While some appearances have been deemed relatively strong, such as his news conference, Henderson maintains that Biden's persistent gaffes and apparent physical limitations have overshadowed any positive moments. She argues that the continued erosion of his public image could have significant implications for his re-election prospects.