Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After "Disastrous" Debate Performance

Following a disastrous debate performance, President Biden faces calls to abandon his re-election bid as concerns about his fitness to serve mount. Leading newspaper editorial boards have urged him to step down, citing polls showing dwindling support and doubts about his ability to lead the country.

President Biden's re-election bid has hit a major setback following his widely criticized debate performance against former President Donald Trump last week. A series of leading newspaper editorial boards have called on Biden to abandon his bid, expressing concerns about his age, cognitive abilities, and ability to serve a second term.

The Boston Globe editorial board published a scathing column on Wednesday, arguing that Biden's performance was "historically bad" and that he should withdraw from the race "for the good of the country, his party, and his legacy." The board rejected the defense of Biden's allies that keeping him as the candidate is the least risky move to defeat Trump.

Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After

Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After "Disastrous" Debate Performance

"Serious questions are now in play about his ability to complete the arduous work of being leader of the free world," the board wrote. "Can he negotiate with a hostile Republican Congress, dangerous foreign powers, or even fractious rivals within his own Cabinet? The nation’s confidence has been shaken."

The Globe's editorial followed similar calls for Biden to step down from the New York Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial boards. The New York Times called Biden's continued campaign a "reckless gamble," while the Atlanta Journal-Constitution urged him to end his campaign, stating that "the shade of retirement is now necessary for President Biden."

Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After

Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After "Disastrous" Debate Performance

Polls conducted before the debate had already indicated weak support for Biden, and his performance further eroded his standing among voters. The Boston Globe noted that "the chances that he can win over wavering independent voters, much less hold onto loyal ones, are rapidly fading."

The editorial boards have suggested that Biden could "graciously bow out" and "free his delegates" to be given to new candidates, including Vice President Kamala Harris and governors from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and California.

Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After

Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After "Disastrous" Debate Performance

"He must walk away from the race on his own, something he seems disinclined to do," the Globe editorial urged. "But with the nation’s future at stake, this is not a decision that should be made by one family alone."

Despite the mounting criticism, Biden's team has maintained that he is fit to run for a second term. However, the editorial boards have called for Biden to prove his fitness by conducting more interviews with critical reporters, participating in less tightly controlled campaign events, and demonstrating his ability to think on his feet in public.

Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After

Biden's Re-election Bid in Peril After "Disastrous" Debate Performance

The calls for Biden to withdraw have intensified concerns within the Democratic Party about his ability to lead the country and the potential consequences of a Trump victory. The editorial boards have emphasized that Biden's withdrawal would allow the party to nominate a more suitable candidate and prevent a Republican takeover of Congress.

The White House and Biden campaign have not yet responded to the calls for him to step down. However, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has stated that Biden will "absolutely not" withdraw from the race.