Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal

Morale is tanking among Biden's staff and Democratic officials as polls show Democrats increasingly favor Vice President Kamala Harris as a presidential candidate.

Amid the growing chorus of voices urging President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, a new poll reveals a stark reality: Democrats are losing faith in their incumbent leader.

According to a survey conducted by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, a staggering 65% of Democrats believe that Vice President Kamala Harris would do a better job as president than Biden. This sentiment has been amplified by a series of polls showing that a majority of Democratic voters favor someone other than Biden to face former President Trump in the upcoming election.

Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal

Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal

Biden's recent debate performance, widely seen as a disaster, has further eroded his support within the Democratic Party. Democratic officials have openly expressed concerns about Biden's ability to effectively perform his duties, given his advanced age and perceived cognitive decline.

As a result, a growing number of party officials are publicly calling for Biden to step aside and make way for a more viable candidate. While Vice President Harris is the primary focus of these discussions, other potential candidates, such as California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, have also been mentioned.

Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal

Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal

The AP-NORC poll also suggests that Harris would be a popular choice among key Democratic constituencies, including women and Black adults. Harris's strong support for abortion rights and her background as a former state attorney general are seen as assets in the party's fight against Trump.

However, Harris's popularity is not universal. Outside the Democratic Party, only about three in 10 Americans believe she would be a good president. Nearly half of Americans believe Harris would not do a good job, and two in 10 say they don't know enough to have an opinion.

Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal

Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal

Despite the mounting pressure, Biden has insisted that he is "in this race" and has no plans to withdraw. The president has dismissed concerns about his age and health, arguing that he is mentally and physically fit to serve.

However, the growing discontent within the Democratic Party is a serious challenge to Biden's re-election hopes. If the president does not reverse the plummeting morale and regain the support of his own party, his chances of securing a second term will be severely diminished.

Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal

Biden's Re-election Hopes Plummet Amid Calls for Withdrawal