Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

Despite preparations for a grand sendoff at the Democratic National Convention, President Biden remains bitter towards top Democrats who orchestrated his ouster from the 2024 presidential race, according to a report.

President Biden's lingering resentment towards key Democratic leaders who pushed him out of the 2024 presidential race casts a shadow over the party's plans to honor his legacy at the upcoming Democratic National Convention (DNC).

According to Politico, Biden remains frustrated that former President Barack Obama did not directly confront him about dropping out, instead relying on behind-the-scenes influence. He also harbors anger towards former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), whom he believes played a pivotal role in his withdrawal, along with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

Sources familiar with Biden's thinking indicate that he views Pelosi as "ruthless" after the events of July, when she and other party leaders urged him to end his bid for reelection.

Despite Biden's personal feelings, the Democratic Party is preparing a massive sendoff for him at the DNC. Pelosi, once a critic, now hails him as an "elder statesman" and "consequential President."

Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

The DNC schedule reflects the party's intent to transition from Biden to Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden will deliver the keynote address on Monday night, followed by an address from Harris on Thursday, symbolizing the passing of the torch.

Biden's admission that pressure from Democrats influenced his decision to drop out adds a layer of complexity to the upcoming DNC.

Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

Meanwhile, Pelosi has downplayed the impact of the party coup on her relationship with Biden, emphasizing her family's long-standing affection for him and prioritizing the party's electoral victory.

Representatives for Obama and Schumer have declined to comment on Biden's reported resentment.

Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

Biden's Resentment Lingers as Democrats Prepare Sendoff Amid Party Coup

As the DNC approaches, the unresolved tension between Biden and key Democratic leaders suggests a delicate balancing act for the party as it seeks to both honor the outgoing president and embrace the future under Harris.

Biden's bitterness threatens to overshadow the party's efforts to present a united front, raising questions about the true state of unity within the Democratic ranks.

The lingering resentment could also complicate Biden's legacy and cast a long shadow over the future direction of the Democratic Party.

The DNC will be a crucial moment for Democrats to demonstrate their commitment to healing the divisions within the party and charting a course for the future under a new leadership.