Biden's SBA Diverts Resources to Electioneering, Harming Small Businesses

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is diverting resources to electioneering efforts, neglecting its core mission of supporting America's small businesses. This shift raises concerns about the agency's priorities and legal and ethical issues amid partisan motivations.

Biden's SBA Diverts Resources to Electioneering, Harming Small Businesses

The Founding Fathers feared excessive executive branch influence over elections, a concern now realized under President Biden's directive to federal agencies. Unfortunately, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has become entangled in political machinations.

The SBA's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Michigan Department of State (MDOS) to facilitate voter registration ahead of the 2024 election cycle is a glaring example. Amidst crippling inflation and labor shortages, the SBA's focus on electioneering is deeply troubling.

Biden's SBA Diverts Resources to Electioneering, Harming Small Businesses

The SBA's resistance to providing the signed agreement intensifies suspicion about the motives behind this partnership. Michigan, with its high voter registration rate, seems an unusual choice for such an initiative, raising questions about political motivations.

The timing of the MOU announcement, occurring days after the Biden re-election campaign emphasized its interest in Michigan, is further cause for alarm. The selection of Jennifer Kim, an SBA official with a background in voter registration, adds to the concerns.

Biden's SBA Diverts Resources to Electioneering, Harming Small Businesses

The SBA's diversion of taxpayer dollars towards electioneering activities raises serious legal and ethical concerns. Stewart Whitson of the Foundation for Government Accountability succinctly summarizes the worries: "This isn't about registering small business owners but about luring targeted groups of voters to support the current president."

In essence, the SBA appears to be a pawn in a Democratic get-out-the-vote effort, disregarding its mandate to support small businesses. This deviation from its core purpose is a betrayal of the agency's mission and a disservice to Main Street America.

Biden's SBA Diverts Resources to Electioneering, Harming Small Businesses

The SBA's actions set a dangerous precedent for executive overreach, undermining the principles of federalism and separation of powers. The agency's transformation into a campaign arm of the Biden administration is a grave breach of duty.

Chairman Williams of the House Committee on Small Business demands answers and accountability for this misguided diversion of resources. The SBA must prioritize the needs of small businesses, not become a political tool for the Biden campaign.

Biden's SBA Diverts Resources to Electioneering, Harming Small Businesses

The SBA's neglect of its core mission is a severe blow to the very businesses it should support. As they struggle economically, they deserve the undivided attention and assistance of their designated federal agency. The diversion of resources for electioneering is an inexcusable neglect that must be rectified.

Biden's SBA Diverts Resources to Electioneering, Harming Small Businesses