Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Amid growing concerns about President Biden's cognitive decline, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld argues that Biden's seclusion from reality and targeting of the Supreme Court further expose his weakened mental state.

In a scathing commentary, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld lambasts President Biden's alleged cognitive decline, which he believes is becoming increasingly evident in Biden's actions and demeanor.

According to Gutfeld, sources within the White House suggest that Biden is isolating himself from advisors and staff, ignoring phone calls, and engaging in bizarre behavior such as attempting to answer a banana as a telephone.

Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Gutfeld highlights Biden's shrinking inner circle, which now reportedly includes only his son and wife, and questions the judgment of those entrusted with the fate of the world.

As Biden's mental acuity wanes, so too does his tolerance for unfavorable information. Gutfeld points to Biden's recent proposal for term limits on Supreme Court justices, which he compares to a convicted felon discussing sperm limits and deems unlikely to gain traction in Congress.

Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Gutfeld casts doubt on the effectiveness of such a proposal, questioning whether appeals against the court's decisions would paradoxically return to the same Supreme Court.

Gutfeld goes on to criticize Biden's recent speech at the NAACP convention, accusing him of lying about the nature of the George Floyd protests. He cites evidence of widespread violence and damage during the protests, contradicting Biden's portrayal of them as peaceful.

Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Moreover, Gutfeld chastises Biden for acknowledging his role as a "transitional candidate" but refusing to step down due to political divisions. He suggests that Biden is surprised by the depth of division, likening him to an arsonist who underestimates the intensity of a fire.

Gutfeld cites reports of a disastrous Zoom call with Democratic lawmakers, during which Biden allegedly yelled at a decorated veteran about his Bronze Star. He believes such incidents demonstrate Biden's inability to engage in coherent debate.

Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Biden's Senility on Display: Retreat from Reality and Targeting the Supreme Court

Finally, Gutfeld questions Biden's longevity as president and candidate, citing his recent struggles ascending the stairs of Air Force One and the looming possibility of a debate with former President Trump. He concludes by speculating that Biden's declining health could ultimately lead to his downfall.