Biden's "Senior Moments" Could Cost Him the Debate, Warns CNN Commentator

Political commentator Van Jones says President Biden must avoid any major slip-ups during Thursday night's CNN Presidential Debate, as such a mistake could potentially doom his chances of winning the election.

CNN political commentator Van Jones has issued a stern warning to President Biden, cautioning him that he cannot afford to have a "senior moment" during the upcoming CNN Presidential Debate with President Trump. The high-stakes debate, scheduled for Thursday night, will be Biden's first on-stage appearance with Trump since 2020.

Jones emphasized the potential consequences of a major slip-up for Biden: "It won't be forgiven." He acknowledged that everyone experiences occasional lapses in memory or judgment, but stressed that any such incident on Biden's part could have dire political ramifications.


Biden's "Senior Moments" Could Cost Him the Debate, Warns CNN Commentator

Jones's concern stems from his observation that Biden has been losing support among younger voters, who may be less tolerant of perceived cognitive shortcomings. A major debate gaffe could further erode Biden's already tenuous standing with this demographic.

Jones also noted that Trump himself faces challenges in the upcoming debate. He pointed out that Trump thrives on audience interaction, which will be absent due to the debate's virtual format. Additionally, the strict time limits and enforced rules of decorum will stifle Trump's typical disruptive tactics.


Biden's "Senior Moments" Could Cost Him the Debate, Warns CNN Commentator

However, Jones cautioned against underestimating Trump's formidable presence: "Donald Trump is a force of nature. Anyone that's been in a room with this guy, he's a freight train, he's a grizzly bear." He suggested that Biden's ability to withstand Trump's relentless attacks for an hour and a half without major blunders would be a testament to his fitness for office.

Despite lowering the debate expectations for Biden, Jones believes Republicans may have made a strategic mistake in doing so. Such low expectations could make any performance by Biden appear more impressive than it actually is.


Biden's "Senior Moments" Could Cost Him the Debate, Warns CNN Commentator

Jones further emphasized the significance of the debate in potentially "requalifying" Biden in the eyes of the electorate. A strong performance, free of any major gaffes, could restore some of his credibility, particularly among younger voters.

Both the Trump and Biden campaigns have declined to comment on Jones's remarks. The debate is scheduled to air live on CNN and Fox News on Thursday evening.