Biden's Shuffle: Aides Step Up to Conceal President's Age

Amid concerns about his age, President Biden has adopted a new routine when walking to and from Marine One, flanked by aides to minimize attention on his sometimes awkward gait.

Biden's Shuffle: Aides Step Up to Conceal President's Age

President Biden's age has become an increasingly prominent topic of discussion, and recent adjustments to his routine have raised eyebrows. The president, now 81, has made noticeable changes in his accustomed daily travels to and from Marine One.

Previously, Biden could often be seen traversing the South Lawn of the White House solo, but recent reports indicate a shift in protocol. According to Axios, the president has begun to be escorted by several aides during his short walk, a move purportedly intended to draw less focus to his shuffling gait.

Biden's Shuffle: Aides Step Up to Conceal President's Age

Advisors to Biden acknowledge that solo videos of the president walking across the lawn could emphasize his age, potentially affecting the public's perception. They contend that the new arrangement, with Biden surrounded by aides, presents a more favorable image.

The White House team insists that the concept originated with Biden himself, who advocated for the modified approach implemented in mid-April. Aides now accompany Biden on his walks, often positioned between the president and the camera crews.

Biden's Shuffle: Aides Step Up to Conceal President's Age

White House spokesman Andrew Bates defended the new routine, emphasizing that Biden's visibility remains largely intact. However, a White House official clarified that Biden had requested a less formal approach, leading to the increased presence of aides.

The president's gait has been attributed to spinal arthritis and sensory neuropathy of the feet, as indicated by his doctor. Biden reportedly undergoes physical therapy regularly to enhance his movement.

Biden's public stumbles and falls have also garnered media attention. In February, he stumbled on the stairs while boarding Air Force One, but managed to regain his balance. A series of near-misses had prompted the White House to introduce shorter stairs for Biden's use.

To further address mobility concerns, Biden has reportedly acquired new shoes with wider soles for improved stability. The footwear, known as "Hoka Transports," has received the endorsement of the American Podiatric Association.

Despite these efforts to mitigate concerns about his physical capabilities, Biden's age remains a subject of speculation and scrutiny. Critics have questioned whether he is fit to lead the country, while supporters maintain that his experience and accomplishments outweigh any age-related limitations.

The public's perception of Biden's age and health will likely continue to be a factor in both his presidency and potential future political aspirations. As the nation awaits official word on his reelection plans, the spotlight remains firmly fixed on his physical well-being.