Biden's Sudden Debate Reversal: A Cynical Setup to Conceal Deeper Issues

President Biden's abrupt change of heart on debating former President Trump has raised eyebrows, with analysts suggesting a sinister plan to divert attention from his own political woes.

Biden's Sudden Debate Reversal: A Cynical Setup to Conceal Deeper Issues

Unlike the elusive Joe, it appears the presidential debates are indeed alive, with Biden and Trump planning to stand on the same stage again. Biden's 13-second video announcement was riddled with more cuts than a depressed goth's wrists. Biden boasted of defeating Trump twice in the 2020 debates, claiming Trump has avoided debates since then.

Biden's campaign maintains he "didn't mince words," despite the obvious splicing in the video. The words were more minced than Jill Biden's signature sliced, steamed bananas. However, Biden's ability to form coherent sentences during a debate remains questionable, especially without the teleprompter's guidance.

Biden's Sudden Debate Reversal: A Cynical Setup to Conceal Deeper Issues

While Trump has no problem talking, Biden's campaign requires careful editing. A leaked version of the original video reveals a stark difference. Biden's sudden demand for debates comes as a surprise, considering his previous dismissal of the idea, calling Trump a "criminal."

Vivek, a keen observer of the political landscape, believes there's more to the story: "Keep an eye on the details. You don't often see a sudden 180 like this unless there's more to it." Biden's demand for a debate without an audience, a move he is accustomed to, suggests a fear of relating to the people.

Biden's Sudden Debate Reversal: A Cynical Setup to Conceal Deeper Issues

CNN's Chris Wallace supports the idea of no audience, dismissing them as a "pain in the neck." If Trump had made this demand, he would have been accused of suppressing democracy and free speech. Biden's additional demand for muted microphones during allotted time allows him to freely indulge in bodily functions.

The media, despite their claims of objectivity, have already demonstrated their biases. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, Biden's chosen moderators, have repeatedly denounced Trump's rhetoric. Their "objective" analysis has been far from fair.

Biden's Sudden Debate Reversal: A Cynical Setup to Conceal Deeper Issues

Politico's early knowledge of Biden's debate eagerness raises questions. Senior advisers reportedly felt pressured to push for debates to avoid accusations that Biden is unfit for the job. This suggests a carefully orchestrated plan to conceal Biden's weaknesses.

Trump's court appearances have boosted his approval ratings. Biden's team is likely aware of this and may be seeking a way to avoid a direct confrontation. A conviction against Trump or a new hoax could provide an excuse to back out of the debates.

Biden's Sudden Debate Reversal: A Cynical Setup to Conceal Deeper Issues

The stage is set not for a fair fight but for something more sinister. The Democrats have a history of interfering with elections. Don't expect a transparent or equitable contest. The trapdoors may be installed for Trump and us.