Biden's Supreme Court Assault: Attacking Judicial Independence and Constitutional Order

President Biden's radical proposals to transform the Supreme Court have drawn sharp criticism from conservative commentators and media outlets, who warn that they would undermine the Court's integrity and threaten the constitutional order.

President Biden's ambitious plans to overhaul the Supreme Court have ignited a heated debate, with conservatives expressing alarm over the potential consequences for judicial independence and the constitutional framework.

In a scathing editorial on Monday, the Wall Street Journal lambasted Biden's proposals, asserting that they would erode public trust in the Court and perpetuate an atmosphere of corruption. The editorial board argued that the deluge of ethics complaints and partisan attacks would create an impression of routine wrongdoing, further diminishing respect for the Court's decisions.

Biden's Supreme Court Assault: Attacking Judicial Independence and Constitutional Order

Biden's Supreme Court Assault: Attacking Judicial Independence and Constitutional Order

Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have endorsed a range of drastic measures designed to alter the Supreme Court's structure and operation. These proposals include term limits for justices, stringent ethics rules, and a constitutional amendment to curtail presidential immunity.

The Journal vehemently condemned the Biden-Harris proposals as an assault on judicial independence and the constitutional order. It accused the Democratic Party of launching an attack on democracy itself. The editorial warned that the most damaging aspects of the proposals could be implemented when Democrats regain control of all branches of government.

Biden's Supreme Court Assault: Attacking Judicial Independence and Constitutional Order

Biden's Supreme Court Assault: Attacking Judicial Independence and Constitutional Order

The Journal specifically targeted Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's proposed ethics bill, which has cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee. The bill would allow litigants to file motions for recusal of justices, creating a scenario where justices could be removed from cases based on political considerations.

The Journal questioned the response from Republican senators, urging them to fully comprehend the stakes involved in the Court's future. The editorial suggested that Republican candidates should prioritize explaining the threat posed by Biden's proposals to the Court and the constitutional republic.

Biden's Supreme Court Assault: Attacking Judicial Independence and Constitutional Order

Biden's Supreme Court Assault: Attacking Judicial Independence and Constitutional Order

Notably, the Biden campaign has not responded to requests for comment from Fox News. However, Fox News contributor Brianna Herlihy provided additional reporting on the controversy.

The Biden-Harris proposals for Supreme Court reform have sparked intense opposition from conservative circles. Critics argue that these measures would undermine the Court's integrity and impartiality, threatening the constitutional order itself. The debate over the future of the Supreme Court is likely to intensify as the midterm elections approach.