Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?

Conservative leader Leonard Leo weighs in on President Biden's proposed overhaul of the Supreme Court, warning that it could backfire by energizing conservatives and politicizing the institution.

Conservative activist Leonard Leo has voiced concerns over President Biden's efforts to overhaul the Supreme Court, arguing that it is a political ploy that could ultimately harm the institution. In an interview with Fox News Digital, Leo stated that while Biden's plan may energize his political base, it could also galvanize conservatives and motivate Republican candidates in the 2024 election.

Leo, known for his influential work with the Federalist Society, has played a key role in shaping the conservative judiciary over several decades. He maintains that Biden's overhaul attempts, which include term limits for justices and a code of conduct, are thinly veiled efforts to "pack" the Supreme Court by expanding its size.

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?

"This debate is motivated by the fact that President Biden and Vice President Harris, and Democrats in the Senate, can't stand the current Supreme Court," Leo said. "They hate most of the rulings in big cases, even though those rulings are probably embraced by most Americans."

Leo argues that the motivation behind these efforts is to clip the wings of a court with a majority of Republican-nominated justices. He warns that constraining courts due to unfavorable outcomes undermines the rule of law and makes the country resemble a "banana republic."

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?

Biden's plan has faced criticism from conservatives, who argue that lifetime appointments provide judges with independence and the ability to make decisions without fear of reprisals or political considerations. Leo supports the lifetime tenure of justices, stating that it allows them to make decisions without looking over their shoulders.

However, Leo's concerns extend beyond the Supreme Court to what he perceives as a "liberal dominance" in corporate America, the media, and educational institutions. He has expanded his goals to counter this perceived dominance.

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?

If Kamala Harris becomes the Democratic nominee and the Senate remains in Democratic control, Leo warns that there is a risk of court packing and continued attacks on the court's integrity based on disagreement with its rulings. Such actions, he argues, would be unfortunate and detrimental to the rule of law.

The White House has not yet responded to a request for comment on Leo's statements.

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul: A Political Tactic or a Threat to the Rule of Law?