Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

Representatives Carlos Gimenez, Maria Salazar, and Mario Diaz-Balart denounce President Biden's proposed Supreme Court changes, equating them to the authoritarian tactics of Venezuelan leaders Nicolas Maduro and Hugo Chavez.

Venezuela's attorney general has launched a criminal investigation into President Nicolás Maduro's opponents for urging the military to withdraw support for his regime and cease repressing demonstrators. The investigation targets presidential candidate Edmundo González and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, who penned a written appeal calling for military and police loyalty to the people.

Attorney General Tarek William Saab accused González and Machado of false electoral claims, inciting military disobedience, and committing crimes such as usurpation of functions, dissemination of false information, and conspiracy. The appeal urged security forces to align with the people, claiming an electoral victory for González.

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

However, the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council declared Maduro the winner with a claimed margin of 51%, despite failing to provide any evidence. The opposition alleges to have collected records from over 80% of the polling booths showing González as the victor.

The opposition's claims are supported by pre-election polling, which is prohibited in Venezuela, and independent tallies. The U.S. recognized González as the winner after reviewing the tally sheets.

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

In response to the protests, Maduro has vowed to detain and imprison thousands of opponents, claiming to have already arrested 2,000. The unrest has resulted in at least 11 deaths, according to Foro Penal, a Caracas-based human rights group.

González and Machado have sought refuge in hiding, fearing arrest or assassination. They have called on Venezuelans with family members in the security forces to urge them to disobey illegal orders and refrain from attacking protesters.

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

The ongoing investigation has drawn parallels to the authoritarian suppression of dissent in Venezuela. Hispanic House Republicans Carlos Gimenez, Maria Salazar, and Mario Diaz-Balart have denounced President Biden's Supreme Court overhaul proposal, likening it to the repressive tactics employed by Maduro and his predecessor, Hugo Chavez.

In a video posted on social media, the representatives criticized Biden's proposal, which aims to add four justices to the Supreme Court and implement term limits. They argue that such changes would undermine the independence and integrity of the judiciary.

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

Biden's Supreme Court Overhaul Likened to Maduro's Oppression by Hispanic House Republicans

The representatives asserted that the proposed changes are reminiscent of Maduro's attempts to pack the Venezuelan Supreme Court with loyalists and silence opposing voices. They expressed concern that Biden's plan could lead to a similar erosion of democratic principles in the United States.

"Biden's court-packing scheme is straight out of Maduro's playbook," said Gimenez. "This is an assault on the separation of powers and an attempt to silence conservative voices."

Salazar added, "Maduro and Chavez used the courts to silence dissent and consolidate their power. We cannot allow Biden to do the same in America."

Diaz-Balart emphasized the need to safeguard judicial independence, stating, "The Supreme Court is the last line of defense against government tyranny. We must not allow President Biden to undermine its authority."

The comparison of Biden's court-packing proposal to Maduro's authoritarian tactics highlights the deep divisions within the U.S. political landscape and concerns over the erosion of democratic institutions. The ongoing developments in Venezuela serve as a cautionary tale for those who seek to undermine the separation of powers and silence opposing viewpoints.