Biden's Tall Tales Not As Harmless As Trump's, Says Gutfeld

Conservative commentator and 'The Five' co-host Greg Gutfeld argues that President Biden's history of embellishing stories carries more weight than the embellishments of former President Trump, due to his position as the leader of the free world.

Biden's Tall Tales Not As Harmless As Trump's, Says Gutfeld

Greg Gutfeld, one of the co-hosts of Fox News' 'The Five,' recently weighed in on President Biden's habit of embellishing stories, contrasting it with the similar behavior exhibited by former President Trump. Gutfeld contended that Biden's propensity for tall tales is more consequential than Trump's, given his role as the leader of the free world.

Gutfeld began his critique by acknowledging that both Biden and Trump have a history of stretching the truth. However, he argued that Biden's fabrications are more concerning because they undermine his credibility as a leader. Gutfeld cited Biden's recent claim that he had been arrested in South Africa while protesting apartheid as an example of his tendency to exaggerate.

Biden's Tall Tales Not As Harmless As Trump's, Says Gutfeld

"When you're the president of the United States, your words carry a lot of weight," said Gutfeld. "So when you start making up stories, it can have a real impact on how people perceive you and your policies."

Gutfeld also noted that Biden's embellishments often paint him in a more favorable light, which raises questions about his authenticity. He contrasted this with Trump's exaggerations, which Gutfeld said were often more comical in nature.

"Trump's stories were often just funny," said Gutfeld. "They didn't make him look like a better person, they just made him look like a buffoon. But Biden's stories are different. They're designed to make him look like a hero, a victim, or a great leader."

Gutfeld concluded by emphasizing that while both Biden and Trump may engage in storytelling, the stakes are higher for Biden as the president of the United States. He urged Biden to be more truthful in his public statements, as his credibility is essential for effective leadership.

"Biden needs to understand that when he's talking to the American people, he needs to be honest and forthright," said Gutfeld. "His words have real consequences, and he can't afford to be making things up."