Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Community Grants: A "Huge Alarm" for Re-election?

CNN data guru Harry Enten warns that former President Trump's gains among Black voters could pose a significant threat to Biden's re-election campaign, highlighting the significance of Biden's community grant initiatives in disadvantaged communities.

Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Community Grants: A

CNN's Senior Data Reporter Harry Enten has raised concerns about former President Trump's increasing support among Black voters, which could potentially undermine President Biden's re-election prospects. Enten considers this trend a "huge alarm" for Biden's campaign.

Biden has implemented a strategy similar to former President Obama's approach, leveraging billions of taxpayer dollars to fund "community organizations" in "disadvantaged communities." These organizations, largely left-wing not-for-profits, often engage in political activities, such as voter mobilization efforts.

Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Community Grants: A

One notable example is the Climate Justice Alliance, which received a $50 million grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, the Alliance has expressed support for radical causes, including "political oppression" and the promotion of "race, gender, and class" in climate solutions.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides $2.8 billion to the EPA for environmental and climate justice block grants, enabling the agency to distribute funds to various political activists and organizations. Another recipient of this funding, the New York Immigration Coalition, advocates for increased government services and political influence for immigrant communities.

Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Community Grants: A

The EPA's simplified application process облегчает for organizations to access these funds, with minimal barriers or oversight. The "Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool" identifies 27,521 disadvantaged communities, primarily populated by minority groups who traditionally vote Democratic.

Biden's Justice40 initiative mandates that 40% of federal spending be directed to these disadvantaged communities. The Department of Energy also distributes funds to such communities through "community benefit plans" with flexible application requirements.

Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Community Grants: A

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) previously authorized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide "community transformation grants." A typical recipient of these funds, Community Health Councils, dedicated a significant portion of the money to partner groups involved in "voter engagement" and political activism.

Biden's administration has expanded this approach beyond the EPA and CDC, empowering every federal agency and department to promote voter engagement. While the community grant program is less significant than the student debt cancellation initiative, which amounts to $620 billion, the grants directly fund political activists.

Experts argue that these community grants undermine the integrity of democracy by using taxpayer money to influence election outcomes. They call on congressional representatives to scrutinize bills thoroughly and eliminate provisions that facilitate such giveaways to community organizations.