Biden's Threat to Withhold Arms Raises Impeachment Questions

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman discusses the state of Israel's war against Hamas and reacts to President Biden withholding weapons from the Jewish state.

Biden's Threat to Withhold Arms Raises Impeachment Questions

As Israel prepares for a potential ground invasion of Rafah, a southern Gaza city, President Biden's threat to withhold weapons crucial for such an operation has ignited a firestorm of controversy in Washington. The decision has raised questions about possible impeachment charges against the Biden administration, drawing parallels to the Democrats' impeachment of former President Trump over Ukraine aid.

Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., has taken the lead in drafting impeachment articles against President Biden, accusing him of engaging in a "quid pro quo" situation by leveraging U.S. dollars against Israel's actions in Gaza. Mills likens Biden's actions to those of Trump, who was impeached by Democrats for allegedly pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Biden family's business dealings.

Biden's Threat to Withhold Arms Raises Impeachment Questions

"The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden," Mills stated. "As Vice President, Biden was caught threatening to withhold funding and aid to Ukraine unless they fired the attorney general investigating Burisma, a company financially benefiting his son Hunter, not to mention the 10% share for 'the big guy' himself."

Mills added, "Now, Joe Biden is pressuring Israel, our biggest ally in the Middle East, by pausing their funding that has already been approved in the House, if they don't stop all operations with Hamas. It’s a very clear message, ‘this for that.’"

Biden's Threat to Withhold Arms Raises Impeachment Questions

Several other GOP lawmakers have voiced support for impeaching Biden, arguing that the withholding of weapons aid to Israel is a political ploy designed to appease radical leftists and Hamas sympathizers ahead of the 2024 election.

Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., called on the House to open an immediate impeachment inquiry, alleging that Biden's decision was motivated by political reasons. "Given Democrats’ Trump-Ukraine precedent, President Biden’s decision to withhold lethal aid to our ally, Israel, for political gain is undoubtedly an impeachable offense," Clyde said.

Biden's Threat to Withhold Arms Raises Impeachment Questions

Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., added, "The Democrats made their bed, and now they're [lying] in it. This is just the latest on a long list of reasons to impeach Biden, including the deadline withdrawal in Afghanistan and allowing more than 9 million illegal immigrants to invade our southern border."

Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., was the first to call for Biden's impeachment, stating that the House has "no choice" but to do so based on the "Trump-Ukraine precedent."

While it is unlikely that the impeachment push will reach the level of a Senate trial, it highlights the escalating tensions in Washington over Israel's ongoing war against Hamas. Biden's decision to withhold weapons has further exacerbated these tensions, prompting accusations of political maneuvering and jeopardizing the U.S.-Israel alliance.