Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen and Catholic League President Bill Donohue criticize President Biden's declaration of Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday, calling it an "insult" and "scandal." They argue that the Democratic Party's policies are alienating religious voters, particularly Catholics, due to their perceived anti-Christian stance.

Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen and Catholic League President Bill Donohue have lambasted President Biden's declaration of Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday, labeling it an "insult" and a "scandal" to Catholics. The move, they argue, is a clear example of the Democratic Party's disregard for religious beliefs.

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Donohue, in a phone interview, accused Democrats of being "anti-Christian" and driving away religious voters. He pointed to the support for abortion rights, opposition to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and concerns over transgender policies as reasons for Catholics' alienation.

"They're anti-Christian, and it's driving people out," Donohue said. "It's not even so much abortion. It's just they feel like they don't speak their language anymore."

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Thiessen, speaking on "America's Newsroom," echoed Donohue's sentiments, calling Biden's declaration a "slap in the face" to Catholics. He accused the Biden administration of being hostile to Christian values and pandering to pro-Palestinian voters by declaring Trans Visibility Day on Easter.

"This is another example of the Biden administration's anti-Christian agenda," Thiessen said. "They're trying to appease the left-wing base of the Democratic Party, which is increasingly hostile to Christianity."

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

The Trump campaign has seized on the controversy, launching a "Catholics for Trump" coalition to court Catholic voters. The coalition aims to protect the rights of individuals to practice their faith freely.

According to Pew Research data, Trump secured the majority of the Catholic vote in 2016, with 52% compared to Hillary Clinton's 45%. In 2020, Biden received 52% of the Catholic vote, while Trump received 47%.

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Donohue explained that practicing Catholics have little in common with secular Catholics, who more frequently vote for Democrats. The same trend is observed among religious Jews and mainline Protestants.

The Catholic Church has historically been associated with the Democratic Party, but that support waned in the 1960s when the party embraced more liberal policies on social issues. The GOP has since become the pro-life party, further appealing to religious voters.

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Donohue believes that the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade, has shifted the abortion issue from a "monkey on the back" of Republicans to one for Democrats. He argues that the GOP should focus on the states' rights approach to abortion regulation and avoid extreme positions.

Despite Trump's recent comments on Florida's six-week abortion ban, he has vowed to vote against an amendment that would legalize abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy. He has also doubled down on his stance that abortion laws should be decided by individual states.

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Anti-Catholic attacks have increased in recent years, particularly after the Dobbs decision. Donohue commended Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan for investigating anti-Catholic bias in the federal government.

Donohue noted that many Catholics feel alienated by the Democratic Party's policies and have found a new home with the Republicans. He believes that the "Irish Pub" crowd, traditionally Democratic, is now supporting Trump due to perceived abandonment by Democrats.

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics

Biden's Trans Visibility Day Declaration Sparks Outrage Among Catholics