Biden's War on Oil and Gas: Devastating Consumers and Threatening National Security

Biden's energy policies are not only harming consumers but also undermining national security through lawsuits seeking to abolish fossil fuels.

Biden's war on oil and gas is taking a heavy toll on consumers and undermining national security. The president's energy policies have led to soaring energy prices, crippling businesses and households alike.

Meanwhile, the climate change industrial complex is exploiting the courts to advance its agenda, with lawsuits seeking to abolish fossil fuels through the back door. These lawsuits are not only frivolous but also dangerous.

Biden's War on Oil and Gas: Devastating Consumers and Threatening National Security

Biden's War on Oil and Gas: Devastating Consumers and Threatening National Security

Fossil fuels are essential to American life. They provide 80% of the energy consumed in the United States, powering our cars, homes, businesses, and industries. They also make Americans much richer and safer and healthier and more mobile.

The lawsuits against fossil fuel companies are based on the absurd claim that these companies caused climate change and must be held accountable. However, there is no evidence to back up this claim. In fact, the world used more fossil fuels than ever before in history last year, despite hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent on green energy.

Biden's War on Oil and Gas: Devastating Consumers and Threatening National Security

Biden's War on Oil and Gas: Devastating Consumers and Threatening National Security

The electric vehicle movement is stalled out, solar and wind power are both still fringe forms of energy, and the green candidates got crushed in recent elections in Europe because voters are sick of the higher prices associated with green policies.

The consequences of abolishing fossil fuels would be catastrophic. Without fossil fuels, our economy would collapse, millions of jobs would be lost, and tens of thousands of lives would be lost each year from heat-related illnesses.

The lawsuits against fossil fuel companies are a dangerous attempt to destroy an industry that is essential to American life. They are based on junk science and ignore the catastrophic consequences of abolishing fossil fuels.

The Biden administration should be focused on promoting affordable, reliable energy, not destroying an industry that is vital to our economy and our national security.

Here are some specific examples of how Biden's war on oil and gas is harming Americans:

* Gasoline prices have doubled since Biden took office.

* The cost of natural gas has skyrocketed, making it more expensive to heat homes and businesses.

* Businesses are struggling to stay afloat as energy costs soar.

* Families are being forced to make difficult choices between paying for food or energy.

* The Biden administration's policies are also undermining our national security.

* Russia is using its energy dominance as a weapon against Europe.

* The United States is becoming more dependent on foreign energy sources.

* Our military relies on fossil fuels to operate.

The Biden administration needs to change course on energy policy. It should focus on promoting affordable, reliable energy, not destroying an industry that is essential to our economy and our national security.