Biden's Weakness Emboldens Hamas, Threatens Israel's Security

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum accuses President Biden of empowering terrorists by threatening to withhold weapons from Israel if it invades Rafah to neutralize Hamas stronghold.

Biden's Weakness Emboldens Hamas, Threatens Israel's Security

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has fiercely condemned President Biden's threat to halt weapon shipments to Israel, accusing him of "negotiating on behalf of terrorists." This extraordinary shift in US policy has raised alarm bells among US allies, who question Biden's commitment to supporting its partners.

Burgum's condemnation came in response to Biden's warning that Israel's planned invasion of Rafah, Hamas' last stronghold in Gaza, could result in the withholding of vital weapons. This ultimatum has sparked outrage among Republicans and moderate Democrats, who see it as a betrayal of a key US ally.

Biden's Weakness Emboldens Hamas, Threatens Israel's Security

The governor highlighted the unprecedented nature of Biden's actions, stating that the US has always adhered to the principle of not negotiating with terrorists. However, Biden has not only broken this rule but has actively taken the side of Hamas, Israel's sworn enemy.

"We're in completely new territory here for a president of the United States," Burgum said. "He's put a red line for Israel, for our ally, and when you think about that, think of every one of our allies around the world watching this and going, 'Wow, Israel is supposed to be America's top ally and the president is threatening them?'"

Biden's Weakness Emboldens Hamas, Threatens Israel's Security

This strategic blunder has sent shockwaves through Israel's leadership, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowing that Israel will stand alone in its fight against Hamas if necessary. The US-made weapons that Biden has threatened to withhold are crucial for Israel's defense against Hamas' relentless rocket attacks, which have claimed countless lives and caused extensive damage.

Burgum attributed Biden's decision to appease the "pro-Hamas part of the Democrat Party," sacrificing Israel's security for political gain. He argued that Biden should be standing alongside Israel, not negotiating with terrorists on their behalf.

"How about Joe Biden saying we'll keep providing weapons until you release the hostages, Hamas?" Burgum asked. "He should be negotiating alongside of Israel. He is on the opposite side of the table."

The governor lamented the lack of resolve shown by the Biden administration in the face of Hamas' aggression, drawing parallels to its disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"I can tell you that if President Trump was in office right now, this would not be happening," he added. "This is Joe Biden’s weakness on display like it was with Afghanistan, like it's been around the world."

Biden's decision has provoked intense criticism from both sides of the aisle, with several GOP lawmakers supporting impeachment proceedings against the president. Representative Cory Mills of Florida has initiated the drafting of impeachment articles, citing parallels to Trump's withholding of weapons aid to Ukraine.

Israeli officials have also expressed disappointment and frustration, emphasizing the unwavering support of the US public for Israel's right to defend itself against aggression. Prime Minister Netanyahu's determination to proceed with the Rafah invasion, even without US weapons, underscores Israel's determination to protect its citizens and ensure its security.