Biden's Weakness Unsettling for Foreign Allies, Sparking Calls for Democrats to Cut Funding

Victoria Coates, Trump-era deputy national security adviser, discusses the terror threat facing U.S. military bases in Europe amid concerns about President Biden's cognitive health. Additionally, Hollywood showrunner Damon Lindelof, a longtime Democratic donor, has penned an article calling on Biden to step down and urges Democrats to stop funding his candidacy.

Victoria Coates, Trump-era deputy national security adviser, has expressed concern over President Biden's "unsettling" weakness in conducting foreign affairs, particularly regarding the terror threat facing U.S. military bases in Europe. Coates's remarks come amid increasing scrutiny of Biden's cognitive ability, sparked by his disastrous debate performance in late June.

Adding to the chorus of criticism, Hollywood showrunner and longtime Democratic donor Damon Lindelof has published an article in Deadline calling on Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. Lindelof describes last week's CNN Presidential Debate as "simply game changing" and argues that money empowers people to influence decisions and create change.

Biden's Weakness Unsettling for Foreign Allies, Sparking Calls for Democrats to Cut Funding

Biden's Weakness Unsettling for Foreign Allies, Sparking Calls for Democrats to Cut Funding

Lindelof, a significant contributor to Democratic campaigns including those of former President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Biden, urged fellow Democrats to withhold funding from Biden's candidacy until a change occurs. He suggests that Democrats respond to fundraising requests with a refusal to donate until there is a different candidate at the helm.

Lindelof expressed concerns about Biden's cognitive fitness for office, stating: "When a country is not behaving how we want them to, we apply harsh economic sanctions. It’s a give and take — Short term hurt for long term healing." He added: "When they text you asking for cash, text back that you’re not giving them a penny and you won’t change your mind until there’s change at the top of the ticket."

Lindelof's call for a change in Democratic leadership echoes concerns raised by some politicians, editorial writers, political pundits, and party donors. At age 81, Biden is the oldest president in the nation's history, and his mental acuity has come under intense scrutiny.

Lindelof acknowledged Biden's contributions but stressed the need for a younger, more capable leader: "When Joe finally leaves the mound, I will stand and applaud. Because he truly pitched a great game." However, he indicated that he would increase his donations to the Democratic Party once a change in leadership occurs.

Lindelof concluded his article with a call for unity and a pledge of support for the nation: "God bless you for making it through this stream of conscientious consciousness … and God bless America."

As Biden faces criticism and calls to step down, the Democratic Party finds itself grappling with the future of its leadership. The calls for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race highlight the growing concerns among party members about his ability to serve as president.