Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

Renowned comedian and political commentator Bill Maher fiercely defended Israel's actions in the ongoing Gaza conflict during a heated discussion on the popular daytime talk show, "The View."

During his appearance on "The View," Bill Maher engaged in a spirited debate with liberal co-host Joy Behar, who expressed strong criticism towards Israel's military operations in Gaza. Maher, known for his often contrarian views, vehemently defended Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas rocket attacks and the threat of terrorism.

Maher argued that Israel's actions were justified given the relentless barrage of rockets fired by Hamas from Gaza, which have caused numerous civilian casualties and widespread destruction. He highlighted that Israel has a responsibility to protect its citizens and prevent further loss of life.

Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

"Israel has a right to defend itself," Maher asserted. "They've been attacked with rockets for years, and they're not going to just sit back and let that happen."

Behar countered by questioning Israel's use of disproportionate force, citing the high number of civilian casualties in Gaza. She argued that Israel's military response had been excessive and had resulted in unnecessary suffering.

Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

"I think Israel has overreacted," Behar said. "They've killed too many civilians, and they've destroyed too many homes."

Maher acknowledged the tragic loss of civilian life but maintained that Israel was acting in self-defense and that Hamas was the ultimate instigator of the violence. He pointed out that Hamas deliberately launches rockets from densely populated areas, putting civilians in harm's way.

Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

The debate also touched on the broader issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Maher expressed his belief that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state but also acknowledged the need for a viable Palestinian state. He called for a two-state solution as the only path to lasting peace.

"I think Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state," Maher said. "But I also think the Palestinians have a right to a state of their own."

Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

Bill Maher Defends Israel Against Liberal Co-Host's Criticisms on 'The View'

Maher's defense of Israel on "The View" sparked a wider discussion on social media, with many viewers expressing both support and criticism for his stance.