Bill Maher: Speaking for the 'Normies' in American Politics

Comedian Bill Maher discusses his upcoming book and explains his approach to politics, arguing that he speaks for the "normies" tired of the extreme right and left.

Bill Maher: Speaking for the 'Normies' in American Politics

In his upcoming book, "What This Comedian Said Will Shock You," Bill Maher delves into his unique perspective on American politics, arguing that he represents the "normies" who are fed up with the extreme views of both the right and left.

Maher, the host of HBO's "Real Time," explained to CBS correspondent Robert Costa that his goal is to avoid being "tribal" and instead speak to the vast majority of Americans who are tired of the partisan divides. "I speak for the normies. I speak for that vast middle that is tired of the partisanship. I don’t want to hate half the country, and I don’t hate half the country," Maher stated.

Bill Maher: Speaking for the 'Normies' in American Politics

However, Maher has recently faced criticism for his attacks against Democrats despite expressing more concern about Republicans. Costa pressed Maher on this, pointing out that he has written extensively in his book about how the left irritates and frustrates him, while the right alarms him.

"Yes. They’re very alarming. They’re extremely alarming. More alarming," Maher responded.

Bill Maher: Speaking for the 'Normies' in American Politics

Despite his criticism of the left, Maher explained that he believes in presenting a balanced perspective and not focusing solely on one side. He argued that Democrats constantly run against Trump with the assumption that people will automatically vote against him, but that approach can be ineffective. "People are saying, ‘Watch me. Hold my beer. Watch me vote for him again,'" Maher said.

Maher has been a vocal critic of Trump, but he has also hosted Republican figures on his show, including former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr and former President Donald Trump himself. He believes that engaging with people who have different views can lead to a better understanding and depolarization.

Bill Maher: Speaking for the 'Normies' in American Politics

"Yeah, this is exactly what I hate about this country. ‘How dare you? How dare you platform someone,’” Maher said, referring to the backlash he has faced for hosting Republicans. "You’re gonna have to talk to people, and maybe you’ll find out that they are not the monsters you think they are."

While Maher has been criticized by some for his attacks against liberals, he has also been commended for his willingness to challenge the status quo and provoke thought. He believes that the focus on woke issues like transgender ideology and treatments for children is alienating many Americans and driving them towards Trump.

"And this is why people vote for Trump," Maher told his audience in April. "They say in politics, liberals are the gas pedal and conservatives are the brakes. And I'm generally with the gas pedal, but not if we're driving off a cliff. On the trans issue, America is no ands, ifs or buts about it, absolutely alone in the world now, an outlier country."

Maher's perspective on American politics is unique and often controversial. However, he believes that his approach of speaking to the "normies" and avoiding tribalism is the only way to bridge the divides that are tearing the country apart.