Biscuit Basin Explosion in Yellowstone Sends Tourists Fleeing in Panic

A sudden explosion in Yellowstone National Park's Biscuit Basin on Tuesday sent tourists scrambling for safety, as debris and smoke filled the air. The incident, captured on video, left onlookers in shock and awe.

Tourists in Yellowstone National Park were thrown into chaos on Tuesday morning when a hydrothermal explosion erupted in the park's Biscuit Basin thermal area. Caught on camera by visitor Vlada March, the video shows tourists running in fear as the geyser suddenly explodes, sending debris and smoke into the air.

According to a statement released by Yellowstone National Park, the explosion occurred at approximately 10:00 AM MST on July 23, 2024. The blast, which appears to have originated near Black Diamond Pool, caused damage to the boardwalk but fortunately resulted in no reported injuries.

Biscuit Basin Explosion in Yellowstone Sends Tourists Fleeing in Panic

Biscuit Basin Explosion in Yellowstone Sends Tourists Fleeing in Panic

Following the incident, the parking lot and boardwalks at Biscuit Basin have been temporarily closed as geologists investigate the cause of the explosion. While hydrothermal explosions are relatively common in Yellowstone, they can still be startling and unsettling for visitors.

"This type of explosion is caused by water suddenly becoming steam underground," explained Yellowstone National Park in their statement. "Similar explosions have occurred in the past, including one in Norris Geyser Basin in 1989 and another in Biscuit Basin in 2009."

Biscuit Basin Explosion in Yellowstone Sends Tourists Fleeing in Panic

Biscuit Basin Explosion in Yellowstone Sends Tourists Fleeing in Panic

The National Park Service has emphasized that the explosion does not indicate any increased activity within Yellowstone's volcanic system, which remains at normal background levels. Visitors are reassured that the park remains open and safe for exploration, except for the closed area in Biscuit Basin.

The sudden explosion highlights the unpredictable nature of Yellowstone's geothermal features. While geysers and hot springs are fascinating and beautiful, they can also be hazardous. Visitors are strongly urged to stay on designated trails and boardwalks and to follow all safety regulations.

Biscuit Basin Explosion in Yellowstone Sends Tourists Fleeing in Panic

Biscuit Basin Explosion in Yellowstone Sends Tourists Fleeing in Panic

The closure of Biscuit Basin will likely be temporary, but the exact reopening date has not yet been announced. In the meantime, visitors can explore other areas of Yellowstone, including Old Faithful, the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, and Mammoth Hot Springs.

Despite the temporary closure, the explosion in Biscuit Basin serves as a reminder of the extraordinary power and beauty of Yellowstone's natural wonders. The park remains a popular destination for tourists from around the world, and the vast majority of visitors experience a safe and enjoyable visit.