Black Border II: A Darker, Grittier Border Control Simulator

The upcoming sequel to the original border control simulator, Black Border II, has unveiled its first teaser trailer. It shows off hints at new features, more of the interesting new art style and a whole lot more.

The upcoming sequel to the original border control simulator, Black Border II, has unveiled its first teaser trailer. It shows off hints at new features, more of the interesting new art style and a whole lot more. So, let's break it down and find out what we can glean!

First off, the new art direction I praised is quite strong here, being a mixture of many different dictatorships throughout history in a stylised but grimy aesthetic. It certainly puts me in the mind of games like Papers, Please, and it fits the subject matter a lot more, while not being so dour that it becomes depressing.

Black Border II: A Darker, Grittier Border Control Simulator

Black Border II: A Darker, Grittier Border Control Simulator

As for features, it appears that Black Border 2 will boast some form of base building, as it shows the enhancement of your checkpoint with new structures. Some of these, it seems, can also be used to produce new equipment or perhaps products for sale as a little supplemental income.

It's good to see Black Border II adopting something of a more interesting style. Like I wrote in the original announcement, the first Black Border had some sort of weird clip-art aesthetic going on, with soulless-looking characters staring into your eyes. Somehow the darker, grimmer characters in this sequel manage to look more alive if only by comparison.

You can find Black Border II on iOS and Android, releasing October and September this year, respectively. But in the meantime if you're looking for some great games to tide you over, why not try some of the titles we've got in our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far)? Better yet, if you're a budget-conscious gamer or simply don't like spending money, you can always dig into our other list of the top 25 free-to-play games on iOS and Android!

In addition to the aforementioned features, Black Border II is also expected to include:

* A more in-depth story mode

* New and improved checkpoint management system

* Expanded roster of characters

* Increased difficulty levels

* New and improved graphics engine

* Support for a wider range of devices

Black Border II is shaping up to be a significant improvement over its predecessor. The new art style, improved characters and expanded feature set are all welcome additions to the series. I'm excited to see what the final product looks like when it releases later this year.