Bombshell: US Taxpayer Funds Fuelled Wuhan Lab's Coronavirus Research

Investigative findings from a congressional probe suggest that US taxpayer money inadvertently funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, potentially contributing to the global pandemic. Despite initial denials and obstruction from the Chinese government, mounting evidence points to a lab-related accident as the likely origin of COVID-19.

Bombshell: US Taxpayer Funds Fuelled Wuhan Lab's Coronavirus Research

A bombshell report from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic reveals that US taxpayer funds inadvertently funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China. This disclosure comes as the probe uncovers evidence that COVID-19 may have originated from a "lab-related accident" in Wuhan, potentially implicating the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in a cover-up attempt.

Bombshell: US Taxpayer Funds Fuelled Wuhan Lab's Coronavirus Research

According to Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, the chairman of the select committee, classified State Department records obtained by the panel "credibly suggest" that COVID-19 was not a natural occurrence but rather the result of a laboratory incident. The documents imply a "seamless relationship" between the WIV and the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), raising further concerns about the possible military involvement in the research.

Wenstrup's letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, obtained by Fox News Digital, urges the declassification of the records to "share the truth" about COVID origins with the American people. He stressed that the US government has a responsibility to disclose all relevant information to the public, including potential US involvement in funding WIV research.

Bombshell: US Taxpayer Funds Fuelled Wuhan Lab's Coronavirus Research

The classified materials provided to the committee contain "highly pertinent information" that implicates the CCP in obstructing a thorough investigation into the origins of the virus. The documents also suggest that the Chinese government may have known about the potential risks associated with WIV's research but failed to take appropriate safety measures.

The findings align with other recent revelations, including a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) which revealed that US funds flowed to Chinese entities conducting coronavirus research before the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released a declassified report which concluded that COVID-19 could have emerged from a lab leak in Wuhan, although some agencies have not reached a definitive conclusion.

Bombshell: US Taxpayer Funds Fuelled Wuhan Lab's Coronavirus Research

The select committee's investigation has faced opposition from the Chinese government, which has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and dismissed the lab leak theory as politically motivated. However, the mounting evidence from multiple agencies and independent sources is making it increasingly difficult for China to maintain its stance.

President Biden signed the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023, which requires the government to declassify information on the origins of the pandemic. The select committee's findings are expected to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the circumstances surrounding the emergence of COVID-19 and the potential role of US taxpayer funds in supporting WIV's research.

Bombshell: US Taxpayer Funds Fuelled Wuhan Lab's Coronavirus Research

The implications of the committee's findings are far-reaching, as they raise questions about the oversight and accountability of US funding for research conducted in foreign laboratories. The disclosure also has the potential to strain US-China relations and fuel international debate on the transparency and safety of biological research facilities worldwide.