Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

Progressive Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York scoffed at Hillary Clinton's endorsement of his primary opponent, George Latimer, during a recent CNN appearance. The endorsement has sparked controversy within the Democratic Party, as Bowman faces criticism for his stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Progressive Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York has mocked Hillary Clinton's endorsement of his primary opponent, George Latimer, during a recent CNN appearance. The endorsement has sparked controversy within the Democratic Party, as Bowman faces criticism for his stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Bowman, a member of the far-left "Squad," has been a vocal critic of Israel's treatment of Palestinians. He has accused the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) of being a "right-wing organization" and has compared it to the National Rifle Association.

Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

Latimer, a more moderate candidate, has received endorsements from Clinton, AIPAC, and former Rep. Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y. AIPAC's political arm has also donated more than $1.5 million to Latimer's campaign.

In response to the endorsement, Bowman and his allies have criticized AIPAC, calling it a "slush fund for Republican billionaires." Bowman has also accused outside groups of spending more than $15 million to unseat him.

Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

"This is corruption. It is a core threat to American democracy. It also fuels Trump," Bowman wrote on Twitter.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., are holding a rally for Bowman on Saturday before primary day.

Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

Bowman's comments on the Israel-Hamas conflict have also drawn criticism from Jones, a former ally of Bowman's in the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC). Jones has accused Bowman of fueling anxiety and fear among Jewish residents in his district.

"Over the past few months, I have had countless conversations with Jewish residents in my district and across the Lower Hudson Valley who feel anxiety, anger, and fear due to Rep. Bowman's words and actions. I will always stand up for my Jewish constituents," Jones said in a statement.

Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

Bowman Disses Clinton After Her Endorsement of His Opponent

Bowman could lose his seat in similar circumstances under which he won it, by defeating longtime moderate Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., in the 2020 primary. A recent survey by Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill had Latimer leading Bowman 48% to 31%.

However, Democrat strategist Max Burns of Third Degree Strategies argues that Bowman is still popular with voters.

"I think there's always going to be a concern that we need to move back to the center. There's always going to be this fear that we're alienating voters, but the data just shows that that's not true," Burns told Fox News Digital. "I mean, Jamaal Bowman has been incredibly popular in his district. … I do think that at the end of the day, voters are going to look at the candidate that they know, but then the candidate who more likely than not has knocked on their door this cycle."

Fox News Digital reached out to Bowman, Latimer and Ocasio-Cortez's campaigns for comment.