Boxing Blunder: Ring Announcer's Mistake Jolts Title Fight

In a bizarre incident during a WBA bantamweight title fight, the ring announcer initially declared Nina Hughes the winner before quickly correcting himself and announcing Cherneka Johnson as the victor. The mix-up left Hughes devastated and sparked outrage from commentators and fans.

Boxing Blunder: Ring Announcer's Mistake Jolts Title Fight

A shocking mistake by a ring announcer marred the WBA bantamweight title fight between Cherneka Johnson and Nina Hughes, leaving both fighters and fans bewildered.

Boxing Blunder: Ring Announcer's Mistake Jolts Title Fight

As the final bell rang, both Johnson and Hughes made their way to the center of the ring to await the judges' decision. Dan Hennessey, the ring announcer, initially declared Hughes the winner, prompting a premature celebration.

However, moments later, Hennessey realized his error and stunned the crowd by announcing Johnson as the victor. Hughes, who had fought valiantly for the full ten rounds, was visibly upset, unable to comprehend the abrupt change.

Hughes expressed her disbelief and outrage, questioning how such a glaring error could occur. "How can they announce I had won and then change the scores? It's a joke. I feel like I've been robbed big time."

The mix-up sparked outrage from commentators and fans, who slammed the announcer's incompetence. ESPN's Joe Tessitore ripped into Hennessey, calling the incident "an absolute clown show, garbage amateur hour."

In a statement on Facebook, Hennessey took full responsibility for the mistake, acknowledging that he had "owned it." He apologized to all involved and expressed his regret for the chaos he had caused.

However, Hughes remained unconvinced, demanding a rematch. "I didn't lose that fight. There's got to be a rematch," she insisted.

Johnson, who ultimately won via split decision, acknowledged the need to accept the judges' ruling, despite the initial confusion. "I'm not the judge, but I definitely think I won that fight. I'm just over the moon."

The incident has cast a shadow over the fight and raised questions about the integrity and competence of boxing officials. Fans are left wondering how such a fundamental mistake could have been made and whether it will have any long-term consequences for the sport.

As the dust settles, Hennessey's apology and Hughes' demand for a rematch will likely continue to dominate the discussion surrounding this controversial fight.