Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'

Li Jun Li, who co-starred in 'Babylon' with Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie, reveals their kindness on set and shares insights into Pitt's on-screen charm.

In the glamorous and tempestuous world depicted in Damien Chazelle's 'Babylon,' Li Jun Li had the privilege of sharing the screen with Hollywood icons Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie. As one of the film's key supporting actors, Li witnessed firsthand the professionalism and warmth of these two exceptional performers.

In an interview, Li gushed about Pitt's on-set demeanor, describing him as "as charming and handsome in person as he is on screen." Pitt played the enigmatic Jack Conrad, a silent film star struggling to adapt to the advent of talkies. According to Li, Pitt effortlessly embodied the character's charisma and vulnerability, bringing depth to a role that could have easily become a caricature.

Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'

Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'

"He's such a generous actor," Li said of Pitt. "He created a very welcoming and supportive environment on set, and he was always willing to share his knowledge and experience."

Li also had high praise for Robbie, who played Nellie LaRoy, an aspiring actress whose rise to fame parallels the decline of silent cinema. "Margot is incredibly talented and versatile," Li remarked. "She transformed herself into Nellie, capturing both her ambition and her fragility."

Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'

Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'

Li recalled a scene where Robbie's character is overwhelmed by the chaos of a film shoot. "Margot really went for it," Li said. "She wasn't afraid to be vulnerable and raw, and she really brought the scene to life."

Despite their demanding roles, both Pitt and Robbie maintained a light and playful atmosphere on set, Li said. "They would often joke around between takes, which helped break the tension and keep the mood positive," she said.

Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'

Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'

Li's insights into the making of 'Babylon' provide a glimpse into the dynamics that can exist between actors on a big-budget Hollywood production. The film's success is not only due to its stunning visuals and compelling story but also to the dedication and camaraderie of its cast and crew.

Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie: Behind-the-Scenes of 'Babylon'