Brawl Erupts in Taiwanese Parliament Over Planned Reforms

At least one lawmaker was hospitalized with a head injury as Taiwan's parliament descended into chaos during a debate on proposed reforms, sparking concerns about the future civility of the chamber.

Brawl Erupts in Taiwanese Parliament Over Planned Reforms

Taiwan's parliament was engulfed in a violent melee on Friday as lawmakers engaged in a physical altercation over proposed reforms, raising alarm about the erosion of decorum within the legislative body. Video footage captured the pandemonium, depicting lawmakers exchanging blows, ripping down curtains, and tackling one another. A lawmaker crawling over colleagues fell on his head and was rushed to the hospital with a head injury.

The heated debate occurred just days before the country's new President-elect, Lai Ching-te, is scheduled to take office on Monday. Lai's party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), holds a minority in the chamber.

Brawl Erupts in Taiwanese Parliament Over Planned Reforms

One of the more controversial reforms under consideration was a proposal to introduce criminal penalties for public officials found to be lying in parliament. The DPP accused the opposition parties of attempting to push through the reforms without proper procedures, deeming it an "unconstitutional abuse of power."

"The DPP does not want this to be passed, as they have always been accustomed to monopolizing power," Jessica Chen of the main opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), retorted to Reuters, wearing a military helmet amidst the chaos.

Brawl Erupts in Taiwanese Parliament Over Planned Reforms

Taiwan's parliament is known for occasional raucous behavior. In 2020, pig guts were thrown onto the chamber floor during a dispute over pork imports. DPP lawmaker Wang Mei-hui expressed concern about the future civility of the chamber after the latest outbreak of violence.

Lai Ching-te's party, the DPP, secured a minority of seats in the chamber. The KMT, while not possessing a majority on its own, has collaborated with the smaller Taiwan People's Party (TPP).

Brawl Erupts in Taiwanese Parliament Over Planned Reforms

The proposed reforms come at a delicate time in Taiwan's relationship with China, which claims Taiwan as its own territory. Lai was once an advocate for Taiwan to formally declare independence in its constitution, though the DPP has since tempered that stance.

Reuters contributed to this report.