Brevard Sheriff Blasts DC Lawmakers over 'Complete and Total Failure' to Secure Border

Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey expresses outrage after the arrest of illegal immigrants suspected of stealing thousands of pounds of palmetto berries, criticizing Washington, D.C., for failing to secure the U.S. border.

Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey has ignited a firestorm of criticism against Washington, D.C., lawmakers, accusing them of a "complete and total failure" to secure the U.S. border. Ivey's ire stems from the arrest of eight individuals, four of whom are illegal immigrants, for allegedly pilfering nearly 9,000 pounds of palmetto berries from a private property, valued at an estimated $7,300.

To Ivey's dismay, two of the arrested illegal immigrants, despite having pending court dates for their immigration status, are currently applying for U.S. citizenship and cannot be deported. This revelation, coupled with the discovery of previous deportations and felony arrests among the suspects, has left Ivey seething with frustration.

Brevard Sheriff Blasts DC Lawmakers over 'Complete and Total Failure' to Secure Border

Brevard Sheriff Blasts DC Lawmakers over 'Complete and Total Failure' to Secure Border

"The best part for me is that when we ask why this person can’t be deported or why is this person still in our country after committing multiple crimes," Ivey said, "we’re told that unless they commit a violent felony, they’re not going to be deported no matter how many nonviolent crimes they’ve committed."

Ivey's outburst echoes the exasperation of border patrol agents and sheriffs across the country who have witnessed firsthand the surge in illegal immigration and its impact on communities. "This is not a failure on our partners at the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Border Patrol or even Department of Homeland Security," Ivey clarified. "This is a complete and total failure on Washington, D.C., for not allowing the laws of our great nation to be enforced."

Brevard Sheriff Blasts DC Lawmakers over 'Complete and Total Failure' to Secure Border

Brevard Sheriff Blasts DC Lawmakers over 'Complete and Total Failure' to Secure Border

Ivey's frustration stems not only from the incident itself but also from his firsthand observations of the escalating influx of illegal immigrants at the southern border. He implores, "When are we as a nation going to lose tolerance for people illegally entering the U.S. to commit more crimes?"

Ivey's indignation has led him to issue a pointed demand to Washington, D.C., officials: "Why don’t you allow our Customs and Border Patrol agents to secure our damn border like our laws allow, or get the hell out of the way and I’ll do it with the help of sheriffs from across the country who actually believe in enforcing the law and are sick and tired of this crap."

Brevard Sheriff Blasts DC Lawmakers over 'Complete and Total Failure' to Secure Border

Brevard Sheriff Blasts DC Lawmakers over 'Complete and Total Failure' to Secure Border

Ivey's impassioned call for action has resonated with many who share his frustration over the apparent lack of border security. As the debate over immigration continues to rage, the incident in Brevard County has ignited a fresh wave of scrutiny on the effectiveness of current border policies and the need for comprehensive reform.

Brevard Sheriff Blasts DC Lawmakers over 'Complete and Total Failure' to Secure Border