Brittney Griner Defends Unpatriotic Claims, Emphasizes American Rights

In a recent interview on "The View," WNBA star Brittney Griner addressed criticism that she is unpatriotic following her release from Russian prison. Griner defended her actions, highlighting her father's military service and her belief in the right to protest as an American.

Brittney Griner Defends Unpatriotic Claims, Emphasizes American Rights

Brittney Griner, the WNBA star who was detained in Russia for nearly a year, has hit back at critics who have called her "unpatriotic" for kneeling during the national anthem. In a recent interview on "The View," Griner expressed her astonishment at the criticism, emphasizing her family's history of military service and her belief in the right to protest as an American citizen.

"Everyone has made a mistake before," Griner said, responding to those who accused her of being careless in Russia. "The unpatriotic thing, that blows my mind, because, one, my dad fought for this country, ’68, ’69, Vietnam Marines, and law enforcement for 30 plus years. Dad was my hero. I wanted to be a cop. I didn’t want to play basketball growing up; I wanted to be a cop and go into the military, actually. And doesn’t it make me more American that I’m demonstrating a protest? That's my right as an American, so for me to be called un-American, I was blown away at that."

Brittney Griner Defends Unpatriotic Claims, Emphasizes American Rights

Griner pointed out that in many parts of the world, citizens are not allowed to protest peacefully. She noted that during her detention in Russia, where she was sentenced to nine years in prison for carrying vape cartridges containing cannabis oil, she was held in a penal colony where living conditions were harsh and her right to freedom of expression was restricted.

"The mattress had a huge bloodstain, and they give you these thin two sheets, so you’re basically laying on bars," Griner described her initial detainment at Correctional Colony No. 1. "From the middle of my shin to my feet stuck through the bars, which in prison, you really don’t want to stick your leg or arm through bars because someone could go up and grab it, break it, twist it and that’s what was going through my mind."

Brittney Griner Defends Unpatriotic Claims, Emphasizes American Rights

After her release, Griner stood for the national anthem in her first game back in 2023. She emphasized that her actions were not intended to disrespect the flag or the country but rather to express her gratitude for her freedom and the right to peacefully assemble.

"You have the right to protest, the right to be able to speak out, question, challenge and do all these things," Griner said. "What I went through and everything, it just means a little bit more to me now. So I want to be able to stand. I was literally in a cage [in Russia] and could not stand the way I wanted to."

Griner's defense of her right to protest as an American citizen resonated with the co-hosts of "The View," who agreed that her actions were not unpatriotic but rather a demonstration of her love for her country. The co-hosts acknowledged that in the United States, the right to peacefully express one's views is a cherished freedom that should not be taken for granted.

Griner's case has sparked a larger debate about the role of athletes in political and social issues. Some argue that athletes should not use their platform to speak out on controversial topics, while others believe that they have a responsibility to use their voices to promote social justice. Griner's experiences have highlighted the complexities of this issue, and her courage in standing up for her beliefs has inspired many.