Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

Despite being told that local school principals were consulted, residents of a Brooklyn neighborhood are outraged after learning that an all-male migrant shelter would be opening just a short distance from an elementary school.

The decision by New York City officials to establish a male-only migrant shelter near an elementary school in Brooklyn has sparked widespread outrage and concern among local residents. Located approximately 1,000 feet from City Life Academy, a private Christian K-12 school, the shelter has raised safety and transparency issues that have left residents feeling both blindsided and betrayed.

Irina Edelstein, a Brooklyn mom of three whose children attend City Life Academy, expressed her dismay at the lack of communication from city officials. "We wanted to know when it's going to happen, what are the logistics, what are the safety measures," Edelstein said. "We were not given any transparency." Edelstein's concerns are echoed by Jeffrey Reed, the school's principal and pastor. "I didn't know about the shelter until two months before that meeting, and it had been in the works for almost a year, I think," Reed said, referring to a public meeting held in March where city officials claimed to have consulted with local school principals.

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

The March community meeting was packed with residents seeking answers about safety protocols and logistics for the shelter. However, Edelstein alleges that city leaders were evasive and non-transparent about their plans. "They knew there would be push back, and they knew if they had gone through the proper channels it probably never would've happened," Reed said.

Since the shelter's opening, Edelstein claims that theft has become "almost a daily occurrence" in the neighborhood. She and her family have witnessed troubling behavior from the male migrants, raising concerns about safety. In response to the escalating situation, Reed has implemented additional security measures for the upcoming school year, including enlisting a group of fathers to monitor outside during the school day for any suspicious activity.

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

The legality and rushed nature of the shelter's establishment have also raised questions among residents. A lawsuit has been filed against the city and the owner of the shelter's building, alleging that environmental testing protocols and building codes were violated in order to accelerate the shelter's opening.

While many residents welcome legal immigration, they express frustration over the lack of enforcement of laws and the prioritizing of illegal migrants over the safety of their own citizens. "There's a difference between immigration and invasion," Edelstein said. "It's unfortunate because it feels like from Irina's perspective, that the city was placing more of an importance on trying to house people who are not here legally than they are trying to protect their own," said Andrea Mew, spokesperson for Independent Women's Forum.

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

The controversy surrounding the migrant shelter has exposed a political divide in the Brooklyn neighborhood. While some residents support the shelter and believe it is necessary to provide housing for asylum seekers, others prioritize the safety and well-being of their community. Residents are calling on Mayor Eric Adams to address their concerns and ensure the safety of their neighborhood.

The situation in Brooklyn reflects a growing national crisis as cities across the United States struggle to cope with the influx of migrants. The lack of transparency, community engagement, and concern for local residents' safety is a recurring theme in many of these cases. "The way I view it, is being in this physically, emotionally abusive relationship, and you just stay silent thinking it's going to get better," Edelstein said. "Unless you speak up, get involved or have boldness to point things out speak out, nothing is going to change, it's only going to get worse."

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'

The migrant shelter controversy in Brooklyn underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive and humane approach to immigration policy that balances the needs of asylum seekers with the safety and well-being of local communities. The lack of transparency, communication, and consideration for residents' concerns has fueled outrage and distrust among those most affected by these decisions. As the nation grapples with the complexities of immigration, finding equitable and sustainable solutions remains paramount.

Brooklyn Residents Outraged Over Migrant Shelter Located Feet Away from Elementary School: 'None of Us Knew'