Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over

NBC analyst Chuck Todd has likened President Biden's presidential campaign to the iconic ghost movie "The Sixth Sense," suggesting that everyone in the Democratic Party is aware that his re-election bid is dead, except for Biden himself.

NBC News analyst Chuck Todd has made a startling comparison between President Biden's presidential campaign and the iconic ghost movie "The Sixth Sense," suggesting that the Democratic Party has all but given up on his re-election bid.

During an NBC News Now panel, Todd remarked that the news of Biden testing positive for COVID-19 and having to quarantine for several days was "bad timing" for the president, who is facing increasing pressure from within his own party to withdraw from the race.

Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over

Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over

"He needs to be out there, and now he can't be. You know, whether it's four days, five days, six days. Every day is so critical for him," Todd said.

Todd then drew parallels to the famous twist in "The Sixth Sense," where Bruce Willis' character discovers he has been dead the entire film. "We're bordering on 'Sixth Sense' Bruce Willis territory where every Democrat kind of knows that this candidacy is over except the candidate. And it’s what this starts to feel like," he said.

Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over

Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over

Todd emphasized that he meant "politically" dead rather than literally dead, but continued to draw the comparison, stating, "It's sort of that feeling when you're watching the movie. Does he know? Right? Is he aware that, basically, the entire party has given up on him? The entire party is starting to give up on him. There's polling out there that’s showing this."

A recent AP-NORC survey found that 65% of Democrats want Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, with only 37% satisfied with him as the nominee. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) recently became the 20th congressional Democrat to call on Biden to leave the race, making a public announcement that he believes it is "time for him to pass the torch."

Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over

Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over

Todd expressed pessimism about the Biden campaign, noting that the president needs to be out in front of the public, but his COVID-19 diagnosis will hinder his ability to do so. "I think we're about ten days away from him getting to acceptance. But this development couldn't have been worse timing for him, because he needs to be out there," Todd said.

Shortly after Todd's comments, a report emerged claiming that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) had urged Biden to get out of the race on Saturday. The report further solidifies the growing sentiment within the Democratic Party that Biden's presidential campaign has reached an impasse.

Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over

Bruce Willis Territory: Experts Believe Biden's Campaign is Over