California Governor Vetoes First-in-Nation AI Safety Legislation

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill that would have created the first-ever safety measures for large artificial intelligence models in the nation.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed a bill that would have implemented the first-ever safety measures for large artificial intelligence models in the nation. The legislation, Senate Bill 1047 (S.B. 1047), faced strong opposition from the tech industry and some Democratic lawmakers.

Newsom stated that while the bill was well-intentioned, it did not account for the varying risk levels associated with AI systems and could have a chilling effect on the industry. Instead, he announced that the state would collaborate with industry experts to develop safety measures for powerful AI models.

California Governor Vetoes First-in-Nation AI Safety Legislation

California Governor Vetoes First-in-Nation AI Safety Legislation

S.B. 1047 would have required companies to test their models and disclose their safety protocols publicly to prevent malicious use. It would have also provided whistleblower protection to industry workers.

Democratic state Senator Scott Weiner, the author of the bill, expressed disappointment over the veto, stating that it was a setback for those who believe in oversight of companies making critical decisions that affect public safety and welfare. He added that the debate has brought attention to the urgent need for AI safety measures.

California Governor Vetoes First-in-Nation AI Safety Legislation

California Governor Vetoes First-in-Nation AI Safety Legislation

The veto has been met with mixed reactions. Some experts have argued that voluntary industry commitments are insufficient and that enforceable regulations are necessary to address the potential risks posed by AI. Others have expressed concern that overly strict regulations could stifle innovation in the field.

Newsom's decision to veto S.B. 1047 is significant in the context of California's efforts to regulate AI. The state has been at the forefront of AI development, with many of the world's top AI companies headquartered there. However, it has also recognized the potential risks associated with the technology and has taken steps to address them, including the recent signing of laws to combat election deepfakes and protect Hollywood workers from unauthorized AI use.

California Governor Vetoes First-in-Nation AI Safety Legislation

California Governor Vetoes First-in-Nation AI Safety Legislation

The debate over AI regulation is expected to continue in California and other jurisdictions worldwide. As AI technology rapidly evolves, policymakers, industry leaders, and the public will need to navigate the complex challenges of balancing innovation with public safety.

California Governor Vetoes First-in-Nation AI Safety Legislation