California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

Despite reaching a policy agreement with the Newsom administration, the California Teachers' Association (CTA) is continuing to air an attack ad that claims classrooms "face a monumental crisis" under the governor's budget revision.

The California Teachers' Association (CTA), one of the most powerful unions in the state, has continued to air attack ads against Governor Gavin Newsom despite recently reaching a policy agreement with the Newsom administration. The ads, which have been running for several weeks, claim that classrooms "face a monumental crisis" under Newsom's proposed budget revisions.

The CTA has been a vocal critic of Newsom's education policies, particularly his proposals to increase school funding and accountability. The union has also accused Newsom of not doing enough to address the state's teacher shortage.

California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

In response to the CTA's attacks, Newsom has defended his record on education, saying that he has increased funding for schools and worked to improve teacher pay. He has also said that he is committed to addressing the teacher shortage.

Despite the policy agreement between the CTA and the Newsom administration, the union has continued to run the attack ads. The CTA has said that the ads are necessary to hold Newsom accountable for his promises to educators.

California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

Newsom has said that he is "disappointed" that the CTA is continuing to run the attack ads. He has said that he believes the ads are "misleading" and that they do not reflect the progress that has been made on education issues in California.

The CTA's decision to continue running the attack ads has drawn criticism from some quarters. Some have accused the union of putting its own political interests ahead of the interests of students.

California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

Others have said that the ads are simply a reflection of the deep divisions that exist between the CTA and the Newsom administration on education issues.

The CTA is one of the most powerful unions in California, representing over 300,000 educators. The union has a long history of being involved in politics, and it has often clashed with elected officials over education issues.

California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

California Teachers Union Continues Attack Ad Campaign Against Governor Newsom

The Newsom administration has made education a top priority, and Newsom has proposed a number of initiatives to improve schools. However, the CTA has been critical of some of Newsom's proposals, and the union has been a vocal advocate for increased school funding.

The CTA's decision to continue running the attack ads is likely to further strain the relationship between the union and the Newsom administration. It is unclear how the ads will affect the policy negotiations between the two sides.