Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps

While using Google Maps to plan a camping trip, a Quebec man stumbled upon what could be a crater left behind by an ancient space rock. A geophysicist believes the find could be a rare discovery, and more research is being done to confirm its origin.

While exploring the Côte-Nord region of Québec, Canada, via Google Earth, Joël Lapointe noticed an unusual pit that sparked his curiosity. He reached out to French geophysicist Pierre Rochette, who examined the site and found it suggestive of an impact crater.

Rochette analyzed samples from the pit and identified zircon, a mineral that transforms in the event of a meteorite impact. This discovery further supports the theory that the pit could be an impact crater, but more research is needed to confirm its origin.

Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps

Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps

Scientists are interested in impact craters because they provide valuable insights into the history of collisions in our solar system. They can reveal information about the timing and nature of these impacts, helping us understand the evolution of Earth and other planets.

So far, only 200 confirmed impact craters have been found worldwide, with 31 located in Canada. The potential crater discovered by Lapointe would add to this list and provide a new opportunity to study the impact history of our planet.

Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps

Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps

If confirmed, Lapointe's discovery would be a significant find, as true impact craters are rare. Many geologists search for such craters, but few are able to uncover them.

"It's quite easy with Google Earth these days to go on and find structures that are circular or semicircular in origin. You know, nine times out of 10 they're not [craters]," said Gordon Osinski, an Earth sciences professor at Western University.

Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps

Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps

Osinski and his team plan to visit the site to conduct further research and determine the definitive origin of the pit. "It's super exciting," he said. "It doesn't happen too often."

The study of impact craters not only helps scientists understand the past but also provides valuable information for predicting and mitigating future impacts. By studying these craters, we can better prepare ourselves for potential threats and ensure the safety of our planet.

Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps

Canadian Man Discovers Potential Impact Crater on Google Maps