Cancel Culture: A "Volatile and Vile" Threat to Entertainment, Says Drea de Matteo

Actress Drea de Matteo has denounced cancel culture, labeling it "volatile and vile." Ahead of her upcoming role in a series about a canceled news personality, de Matteo shared her concerns about the risks of canceling people and its implications for the entertainment industry.

With the rise of social media and the growing prominence of online activism, cancel culture has become an increasingly prevalent phenomenon. Aiming to hold celebrities and public figures accountable for their actions, cancel culture often involves intense public criticism, boycotts, and attempts to silence or "cancel" individuals for perceived offenses. However, the backlash against cancel culture has also been growing, with critics arguing that it can be excessive, harmful, and stifle freedom of expression.

Cancel Culture: A

Cancel Culture: A "Volatile and Vile" Threat to Entertainment, Says Drea de Matteo

Drea de Matteo, an actress known for her role in the hit TV series "The Sopranos," is among those who have spoken out against cancel culture. Ahead of her upcoming role in "Douglas is Cancelled," a series about a news anchor who faces public outrage after making a politically incorrect joke, de Matteo shared her concerns about the dangers of cancel culture.

"Cancel culture is terrifying," de Matteo told The Telegraph. "Sort of fascistic, really. I don’t think people realize how dangerous canceling people is, what that has meant historically."

Cancel Culture: A

Cancel Culture: A "Volatile and Vile" Threat to Entertainment, Says Drea de Matteo

De Matteo expressed her belief that cancel culture creates a climate of fear and self-censorship, where people are afraid to express their opinions or engage in discussions that might be seen as controversial. "My generation is treading on eggshells, not knowing whether what you say will unintentionally hurt somebody," she said. "I get really confused about pronouns, for instance. I’m just not confident with how and when to use them. There is no empathy or sympathy, opinions are immediate and black and white."

The actress went on to express hope that "we’ll start coming back to a place where people can be kinder to each other, both in thinking about what they’re going to say and hearing what’s being said."

Cancel Culture: A

Cancel Culture: A "Volatile and Vile" Threat to Entertainment, Says Drea de Matteo

De Matteo also addressed the controversy surrounding the casting of actors that do not match the historical accuracy of the characters they are portraying. "Sometimes, if you want to be historically accurate, you’ve got to face the reality of what that would have meant in casting terms," she said. "People should be allowed to explore roles they would not have been able to explore before and also not be deprived of roles or even of writing roles because they don’t actually physically apply to them. We need a sensible, fertile middle ground."

De Matteo's comments echo the concerns raised by other critics of cancel culture, who argue that it can lead to the silencing of dissenting voices, the suppression of artistic expression, and the creation of a society where people are afraid to express their true thoughts and feelings. As the debate continues, it is crucial to find a balance between holding celebrities accountable for their actions while preserving freedom of speech and fostering a culture of open and constructive dialogue.