Carville Blasts Progressives, Urges Harris to 'Go F--- Themselves'

Democratic strategist James Carville has launched a scathing attack on the progressive left, calling them "walking catastrophes" and advising Vice President Kamala Harris to ignore their counsel.

Renowned Democratic strategist James Carville has unleashed a blistering critique of the progressive wing of his party, vehemently urging Vice President Kamala Harris to distance herself from their influence.

Carville, a seasoned political operative who advised former President Bill Clinton, expressed his strong disapproval during his "Politics War Room" podcast on Thursday. He asserted that he would advise Harris to tell progressives "to go f--- themselves" and disregard their policy guidance.

Carville Blasts Progressives, Urges Harris to 'Go F--- Themselves'

Carville Blasts Progressives, Urges Harris to 'Go F--- Themselves'

Carville's fervent plea stems from his belief that Harris's adherence to progressive ideology could jeopardize her presidential ambitions. He argues that the far left's positions are fundamentally flawed and warns that heeding their advice has invariably led to detrimental outcomes.

"Anybody that has ever listened to anything that the progressive left has ever said has lived to profoundly regret it," Carville declared. "Literally on every issue, they're dead a-- wrong."

Carville Blasts Progressives, Urges Harris to 'Go F--- Themselves'

Carville Blasts Progressives, Urges Harris to 'Go F--- Themselves'

Carville cited Senator Elizabeth Warren's failed presidential campaign as a prime example. He alleges that Warren's embrace of Medicare-for-All during the Democratic primary ultimately torpedoed her chances.

Carville also criticized President Biden for adopting progressive stances on immigration policies, which he believes have exacerbated the border crisis. "Why is the border an issue?" Carville questioned. "Because Biden listened to these people early in his term. They weren't just wrong; they were catastrophically wrong."

Carville Blasts Progressives, Urges Harris to 'Go F--- Themselves'

Carville Blasts Progressives, Urges Harris to 'Go F--- Themselves'

Carville's disapproval of progressives extends beyond their policy positions. He has recently taken aim at their purportedly "feminine" tendencies, which he deems detrimental to the party's electoral prospects.

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, Carville expressed his suspicion that excessive "preachy females" within the progressive camp are responsible for pursuing a "killjoy" agenda, advocating restrictions on beer consumption, football viewing, and hamburger intake.

Carville's outspoken criticism has sparked a heated debate within the Democratic Party. Some progressives have accused him of sexism and elitism, while others have welcomed his willingness to challenge their views.

Despite the backlash, Carville remains adamant in his belief that progressives are a corrosive force within the party and poses a significant threat to its political aspirations. He implores Harris to resist their influence and pursue a more moderate course if she wishes to emerge victorious in the 2024 presidential election.