Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

Former HUD secretary Julián Castro urges Democrats to find a different candidate to face Donald Trump, citing Biden's perceived weaknesses.

Julián Castro, the former HUD secretary under President Barack Obama, has publicly questioned President Joe Biden's political standing and suggested that the Democratic Party should consider alternative candidates to face Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

Castro, speaking on MSNBC, argued that Biden "doesn't have a leg to stand on politically" and that there are stronger contenders who could better represent the party's interests.

Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

This sentiment comes amid growing concerns about Biden's age and cognitive abilities, which have been raised by both Republicans and some Democrats.

In recent months, several media outlets have published reports alleging that the White House has been covering up the extent of Biden's decline.

Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

A former editor of The New York Times, Jill Abramson, accused the administration of "a massive cover-up of the degree of the President's feebleness and his serious physical decline."

Abramson criticized the media for not holding the White House accountable for its alleged secrecy and urged reporters to "poke through White House smoke screens and find out the truth."

Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, now an MSNBC host, defended Biden's debate prep team but acknowledged that his performance was "bad."

Meanwhile, comedian Bill Maher called for Biden to step aside for another candidate, arguing that the president's age and potential health issues could hinder his ability to effectively serve the country.

Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

Castro Calls for Biden to Step Aside, Claims Better Alternatives

The New York Times editorial board also recently published an article calling for Biden to drop out of the race, citing his performance in the first presidential debate against Trump.

The board wrote, "Mr. Biden appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans."

Biden's debate performance has been widely criticized by top Democrats and other commentators in the media, with some suggesting that it raises serious doubts about his fitness for office.

Castro's comments add to the growing chorus of voices within the Democratic Party questioning Biden's viability as a candidate in the 2024 election. It remains to be seen whether these concerns will lead to a serious challenge to Biden's nomination or ultimately result in the party seeking a different standard-bearer.