Charlamagne Tha God Endorses President Biden Amidst Speculation of 2024 Candidate Shift

Charlamagne Tha God, the popular radio host, has expressed support for President Biden during an interview on Wednesday. His endorsement comes amidst speculation that the Democratic Party may consider dropping Biden as their 2024 candidate if he performs poorly during the upcoming CNN Presidential Debate.

During an interview on "The View" on Wednesday, Charlamagne Tha God publicly endorsed President Biden. The hosts of the show had called on him to make his stance known, given his previous comments suggesting that Biden might not be the best candidate for the Democrats in 2024.

Charlamagne's endorsement is a significant development, as he has a large following and is seen as an influential voice in the Democratic Party. His support for Biden could help to rally the party's base and boost the president's chances of reelection.

Charlamagne Tha God Endorses President Biden Amidst Speculation of 2024 Candidate Shift

Charlamagne Tha God Endorses President Biden Amidst Speculation of 2024 Candidate Shift

Charlamagne's endorsement comes amid growing concerns about Biden's performance as president. Some Democrats have expressed doubt that he is capable of winning reelection in 2024, especially if he performs poorly during the upcoming CNN Presidential Debate.

In an interview with "The Young Turks" on Monday, Charlamagne said that he would support dropping Biden from the ticket if he "flops so hard that even the media can't deny it." He argued that the Democrats need to prioritize winning the election and should not hesitate to replace Biden if necessary.

Charlamagne Tha God Endorses President Biden Amidst Speculation of 2024 Candidate Shift

Charlamagne Tha God Endorses President Biden Amidst Speculation of 2024 Candidate Shift

Charlamagne also expressed concern about Biden's age and health. He suggested that the Democrats should consider giving him performance-enhancing drugs to improve his performance during the debate.

"If they got PEDs [performance-enhancing drugs] to give him, I'm all for it," Charlamagne said. "Drug him up, give him the same super serum they gave Steve Rogers to make him Captain America."

Charlamagne Tha God Endorses President Biden Amidst Speculation of 2024 Candidate Shift

Charlamagne Tha God Endorses President Biden Amidst Speculation of 2024 Candidate Shift

Charlamagne also criticized Donald Trump's tactics, saying that he is likely to interrupt Biden during the debate and try to take advantage of his age and health issues.

"Do you not want Trump to be interrupted?" Charlamagne asked, referencing the rules of the debate. "You're just going to let Trump go, and you can't jump in, and you 80-plus years old and trying to keep up with every single lie he's going to lay out? Are you serious? Biden's not going to be able to keep up."

Charlamagne Tha God's endorsement of President Biden is a significant development for the Democratic Party. His support for Biden could help to rally the party's base and boost the president's chances of reelection. However, concerns about Biden's performance and health remain, and the upcoming CNN Presidential Debate could be a critical moment for the president.